#1: A Growing Family

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hey guys this is a new update on the last Author's note.... as you can all see I have finished editing the book and was thinking that instead of having this useless note here that I could just write a bonus part right here .

So far I have an idea for 2 Bonus Chapters including this one but if you want to see something else or have any other ideas then let me know in the comment section!

Now enjoy the birthing of Olivia!

Ps: I am 17 so I have never given birth or spoken to anyone about it in too much detail, so anything that I write here is my general knowledge that I have read or heard about, don't hold me accountable if something is not completely right!


~~~Nate's POV~~~

I was just catching my breath after making love to Anna for the 3rd time tonight, basking in the afterglow of the amazing feeling of having my wife next to me and being able to show her my love whenever I can.

We have been living in Hawaii for 3 months now and she is going to burst at any moment, we are waiting for our little girl to arrive at any moment.

I can without a doubt say that I have never been more excited about anything else in my life, ever. Just the thought of having my little girl in my arms is enough to make me happy enough to die right now.

We have chosen to name our daughter Olivia since in the Latin meaning Olive it means a symbol of peace which is what we have both found by loving each other, I mean I am the luckies man on this planet to have this amazingly beautiful woman as my wife and mother of my child.

I turn my head to look at her and see her staring back at me with a satisfied smile on her face that I put there which is making me very happy.

Her naked and heavily pregnant body is covered in a sheen of sweat from our love making which I have managed to make last all night.

Of course Anna has not been really in the mood for that much sex at the end of the third trimester, which is where she is right now but there are some rare moments where she is overcome by hormones and can't resist me.

"Are you feeling ok?" I ask since she is so far into the pregnancy, the smallest thing can set her off or make her more tired than usual which is why she surprised me tonight but I was still as gentle as I can be, considering the times we have together have been so sparse for last month and a half.

However, I can't really complain much since she is bringing my daughter into the world. I could have a much worse life, that's for sure.

"Just a little out of breath and a small pain in my back." She replies as she looks at me with a smile on her face but I can tell that this 'little' pain is becoming something a little bit more than just that.

"Do you want me to call anyone?" I ask quickly since she is so close to her due date that if anything is not normal right now then I am quick to run for the phone and call our private doctor.

"Let's just see for a little while longer, this might just be a false alarm." she says through clenched teeth as she is breathing heavily and she is clenching the sheets in her hands as she screams out in pain and arches her back.

For a split second I am frozen on the spot in terror since I hate seeing her in so much pain and at the same time it is taking a while for my brain to process that she is actually going into labour and that she is having contractions right now.

"Is it really the time for you to freeze on me?" she growls angrily at me as she tries to roll on her side so she can try and get off the bed.

It's like time is playing again as I jump up and rush around the bed to her and notice that half the double bed is soaked in her waters, which means that she is definitely in labour right now.

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