#2: Mile High Club

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Warning: this bonus chapter is going to include smut and not like the one in chapter 13, this is going for more mature people so if you're uncomfortable then please don't don't read this. If you're comfortable with smit then read on ;)

I am going to be slightly censoring it just so the chapter doesn't become private!

Ps: the song is very cute and I think it describes what all couples should be like throughout their whole relationship, so hopefully it works!

Enjoy :)


~~~Anna's POV~~~

"They are going to be fine Anna." Repeats my husband once more as I keep hugging Olivia and Marc.

"Just give me some more time." I mumble into the soft blonde hair of my daughter as I hold my children closer, not wanting to let them go.

"You're wasting our time now." He complains again and I flush knowing what he means by our time but at the same time this is the first time away from the kids for so long and so far away.

"Mom, we're going to be fine. We have grandma and grandpa here looking after us." Replies my smart daughter with her blue eyes and I can see the excitement in her eyes at the thought of her parents leaving her solely on the care of her grandparents.

My son on the other hand is giving me a soft sad look as he looks between Nate and I.

Marc is just a year younger than Olivia but he is our little baby so we have spoiled him quite a lot, maybe a little too much. However, as we have agreed to only have 2 kids means that he is always going to be the baby of the family and I am always going to be worried about him no matter what age he is.

Before this we have never gone anywhere for a longer period of time but left the kids with Nate's parents or left them anywhere for that matter but since this is a special occasion and Nate has been bursting for us to have some alone time, if you know what I mean.

I have also been craving more than just a quick moment here and there when we can fit in an early day from work or the kids falling asleep early or spending the night with their friends, which wasn't that helpful since the kids mostly slept here since we have such a big house.

I miss my husband, plain and simple.

"Are you sure that you're going to be fine for 2 weeks though?" I ask Olivia but then again I don't know why I asked her, it's not like she is going to start begging us to stay but I still like to think that my little babies need me.

"Once again they are going to be fine, now move before I throw you over my shoulder." says Nate but of course he whispers the last part onto to me and I have to hide the shiver that runs through my body at the slight growl in his voice and what I know that growl brings.

"It's about time you two left and enjoyed yourselves." says his mother while not so slyly winking at me and Nate who is hugging our kids quickly, and even though I know how much he wants us to get away and be alone, he is also going to miss his kids like hell since I can see the way his eyes are lingering and his hold on them is tight like mine.

"Well kids you know the drill so I don't want to come back and find out that you have been giving your grandparents a hard time." I say one last time as I kiss their foreheads and take a step in the direction of the car.

"Bye mom and dad!" they bid us goodbye with large smiles on their faces while waving their little hands at us and I can't stop staring at them even once we get inside the car.

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