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Quick A/N : I want to say a massive thank you to iCupcake19 for making the new cover. She is amazing and really sweet and the cover is amazing! So thank you  :D


It's been 2 weeks since Matt beat me into a 2 day coma. By the time I woke up, Nathan would have been stood up, not by my choice either.

He has been calling and texting on my other phone but I was in no condition to even move from my bed so I had no way of contacting him to say that I physically cannot make it.

Today has been the first day that I've felt like I could actually move out of my bed and not fall on my face or wince with pain every time I move.

Since I feel bad for standing Nathan up, even if it was my fault , I decide to Skype him.

I open up my private laptop and see that he is online so I press the button and call him.

For a couple of seconds he does not pick up but when he does I'm a little shocked.

He is shirtless with his pants undone and he was looking over the laptop and probably not noticing that it's me calling. Either that or he is really angry.

"What do you want?" he barks at the laptop, still not looking at me.

I'm about to answer when a female voice stops me.

"Baby, are you coming back to bed? We need to finish this, I'm standing in just my panties and they're wet for you." she half shouts, half purrs form what I'm guessing is his bedroom.

It breaks my heart and I hold back a sob and for the first time he looks at who heard that, he must be a little embarrassed.

"I'll leave you to it." I manage to say before I lean forwards to hang up on him.

"WAIT!" he shouts just before I'm about to hang up.

"Why? I really don't want to see what's going to happen next." I hold back my sobs for a couple more seconds.

"Nothing is going to happen, I swear." he looks at me pleadingly.

"What do you mean nothing is going to happen?" came her voice again.

Nathan turns to her but keeps glancing back to me and turns the laptop so I'm guessing the woman is in the room and he doesn't want me to see her.

I can't stand this so I hang up on him and lay down on my bed and hug my pillow and start crying, again.

After what could have been 10 minutes or an hour there was a knock on my door.

I quickly sat up and fixed my hair and face the best I could in 10 second and told the person to come in.

I'm surprised to see one of the new maids coming in, I think her name was Rose. She started work the day after I woke up from my coma.

"What can I help you with?" I ask her politely since all the staff hate me here. I guess they wanted to be the woman of the house and not just the help.

She switches from one foot to the other and looks at me nervously, which surprises me because all the other staff push me and swear at me, I've even been threatened.

"I'm not going to treat you like the other girls, I actually like you. I don't know why they act like that, I mean I have never met you before so you have not done anything bad to me" she says in a small voice, making me raise my eyebrows at her.

Nobody in this house likes me.

"And why would you treat me any different?" I ask her.

"I need you to explain some things to me. I tried talking with the other girls but they seem to think I'm some sort of competition." she looks at me with confusion in her eyes.

"You look genuine so , what do you want to know?" I ask her, now with a kinder voice and pat bed next to me , telling her she can sit down and not just stand there.

She comes and sits down next to me and I tell her to get comfortable and she gives me a grateful smile.

Why is this sweet girl working here?

"Why do the girls see me as competition, even one of them said so in those words?" she asks me again.

"Have you noticed the other women coming out of rooms that my husband is in?" I ask her simple question and she nods her answer.

"My husband fucks the help so that's why they see you as competition." I tell her bluntly and she first looks at me with disgust and them with horror.

"Wait, so you know your husband is cheating on you?" she asks me with wide eyes and I chuckle a little at her innocence and to think that I used to be like that. I nod at her again and she asks me why  haven't done anything to stop it.

"Now I'm going to tell you something and if you tell anyone I'll know because I'm only telling you this." I warn her and she looks at me with a little fear in her eyes.

"My parents made me marry Matt, this is an arranged marriage and I really don't care is he sleeps with 100 women because I don't love, like or lust after him and as long as he is with other women he is not with me." I tell her and for a minute she looks shocked but then she gives me an understanding nod and in her eyes I can see that she feels sorry for me.

"Well can you get out of it?" she asks me.

I shake my head sadly at her.

"Can I ask you something else?" she looks at me nervously. I nod.

"Did Mr White put you into that coma, the one you woke up from when I started here?" she looks down at her hands while asking me this.

"Yes, he did." I reply cooly since I'm angry that I let myself be that weak and look at me now.

My so called husband is abusive and a cheater who I have no chance of living a remotly happy life with.

Then there is the guy that promised me the world and just 2 weeks after not seeing me, went and found himself a better woman. He could have checked up on me and not just assumed that I ditched him. Even if I did, if you care for someone that much you try and win them over.

But he didn't even try, that's what hurts the most.

I didn't realise that I was crying until Rose wrapped her arms around me and let me cry on her shoulder.

It has been so long since I've had a shoulder to cry on and sometimes it feels like I never have had one.

"Please, be careful with him. Avoid him." I warn her before I fall asleep crying and with a massive headache.

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