Chapter 4

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Levi walked into the dining hall being met by his mother in a beautiful lilac blue dress her hair resting over her shoulder his father dressed in his usual garment. And another woman who he thought to be the suitor which turned out to be true. The girl stood up taken aback by Levi. She was wearing normal commoner clothes as she made her way over to Levi bowing down to him. Levi looked at her into her hazel eyes and strawberry blond hair resting on her shoulders. "And you are," Levi asked a bit annoyed. "Petra, Petra Ral," she introduced herself placing her hands in front of her body against her abdomen smiling kindly.

Petra smiled and sat down next to Levi leaning against him a bit. Erwin was standing behind Levi and Petra seeing Levi tense up clearly being uncomfortable with the whole situation.

After Petra said her goodbyes she left with her father who thanked the king for the thousandth time for this opportunity. "So she was nice, plus she didn't run away crying," his father said starting a conversation. "I'm not gonna marry her," Levi blunt out said. His mother gave him a sad smile. "Levi I am about fed up with all of your behavior," his father said. "Dad I met someone.. I don't wanna jump on things I mean we've just met and I want time to get to know...," "well that's wonderful," his mother said standing up hugging her son. "I'm sure she's beautiful," the alphas mother said jumping the gun on saying the person he met was a girl.

"I-uh yeah h-she is wonderful, just allow me to meet her again tonight allow me to get to know her," Levi turned his face and met his fathers eyes. "Fine... we have a ball in two months to announce your engagement with that said girl. That's the time I'm giving you, if in two months nothings changed, I'm picking someone for you son," his father said in a stern voice. "Thank you," Levi said before excusing himself.

Eren Made his way through the woods trying to find the pond but he couldn't. The previous night he was running around crying but now he was wonder how he even made his way back home last night. He wandered around a little longer until he noticed the castle in the distance he walked into the direction of the castle until he found the same bush he fell through last time but this time he made sure not to fall. Eren slid down the small hill and got back on his feet.

While patting the dirt off his pants he scanned the area looking for his alpha but nothing. "Where is he... where is my alpha," me mumbled to himself. His eyes widened realizing he said 'my alpha'. He had talked to Armin about mates and fated mates but was Levi really that, could the crown prince be his mate, and would someone as handsome, strong and powerful like Levi go for someone as small and skinny as Eren. And was Eren even ready to be with someone.

Plus Levi was to be engaged and marry someone. To a beta girl, a nice sweet beta girl who could lead the districts and be the perfect wife and queen to Levi. Not him, not some stupid guy who happened to be an omega, a guy who he happened to meet and comfort, someone who could never in a million years become a queen or king. And who... most important of all. Was a guy.

While Eren was bickering he didn't notice Levi walking over to him his horse somewhere bound to a tree. Levi snickered seeing Eren deep in thought standing there, the omegas back facing him. Levi slowly made his way over to Eren wrapping his arms around Eren his waist making him yelp. When Eren looked over his shoulder be found the face he had been dreaming about all day. Those beautiful grey eyes, the thin eyebrows, the raven black hair falling over his face.

"You asshole," Eren said turning towards Levi slapping his chest. Levi just grinned looking down at Eren who was quite comfortable in Levi his arms. Eren could smell Levi his comforting scent as he had to stop himself from leaning into the alpha and hug him. "I'm an asshole true, yet you haven't tried to get out of my grip," Levi smirked making Eren blush as he pulled Levi his arms away. "So... listen we gotta talk," Levi said his smirk disappearing. "You found someone?" Eren wondered speaking his thoughts out loud. "What... no! I mean... maybe... I don't know that's what I wanna talk about," Levi said sitting by the oak tree patting down ont he grass next to him. "Sit," he simply said as the omega did what he said.

"I met this girl today, my dad thought she was a good suitor for me," Levi started watching Eren his facial expressions closely. He couldn't quite explain how or why, but he felt drawn to Eren, like he had known him a lot longer yet he couldn't shake the feeling that Eren was lying about something. Levi was lost in thought looking at Eren his soft expression, his ocean green eyes sparkling in the moon light. Levi's eyes traveled down to Eren's lips watching them slowly move. "Levi are you okay," Levi was taken out of his thoughts from Eren his cold hand on his own. "Yeah sorry, I'm just trying to find the best way to tell you this without sending you running," Levi said with an awkward chuckle.

"I told my parents I met someone," Levi spat out looking at Eren. The omegas eyes widened as he took his hand off of Levi's.

"And with someone you meant me," Eren asked a bit shocked. "Yeah but before I knew it my mom called you a girl I'm supposed to marry a beta girl to make sure we have an heir to the throne, but I don't want to marry one of those brats, nor do I wanna jump into anything with you I mean we've met twice now but I really am happy I've met you and well, listen here is the deal...," Levi was gonna say something when Eren cut him off.

"I'm an Omega," Eren looked into Levi's eyes who were in pure shock. "Y-you're an omega," Levi said still in shock taking Eren's hand in his own. "Y-yeah," Eren said pulling his hands away form Levi tears forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." Eren said trying to get up. Eren didn't even know why he had told him, but he did know that the thought of Levi with anyone else made jealous. Levi grabbed him by his arms and pulled him into a hug. "You just made my choice 10 times easier," Levi mumbled as Eren hugged him back. Without even trying Levi let out calming pheromones trying to comfort Eren.

Eren pressed his face into the crook of Levi's neck against his scent glands. "Thank you Levi, I'm not gonna lie to you, I was terrified of telling you," Eren said staying close to Levi as they sat agains the oak tree. "Why," Levi asked resting his head on top of Eren's who's head was resting on the alphas shoulder. "I don't know but ever since I got my second gender the alphas in the town have been staring at me like they're gonna jump me at any time," Eren explained making Levi growl at the idea of having alphas jump on Eren or even touch him.

"I should head back," Levi said tracing his fingers over Eren his arms. They had been sitting there in silence for about an hour or two now. Nothing was uncomfortable it was quite the opposite they had never been more comfortable with each other. Levi decided to tell Eren about his parents the ball and the whole engagement thing another time. While time went by they shifted positions as Eren ended up in between Levi his legs his head resting against the alphas chest his arms on his stomach. Levi's head was resting against Eren's as he occasionally took in Eren his scent while running his hands up and down Eren his arms. Even though Levi was quite comfortable around and with Eren he couldn't place the feeling. Was Eren his mate, was he the one he'd been looking for and even so, was Eren willing to become queen along side him.

"Mmmh do you have too," Eren asked snuggling closer to Levi his eyes half closed. "I'm sorry but my parents will kill me if I'm not home soon," Levi explained planting a soft kiss on top of Eren's head. Even softly groaned looking up at Levi. "I hate needing to walk home in the dark," Eren said half asleep. "If it's not to far, I'll take you home, and then tomorrow I'll meet you here at noon you can show me around your district and we can spend the day together," Levi suggested.

"That sound lovely but shouldn't you be heading back instead of further from your home." Eren said getting up on his knees and turning to him. Levi smiled at Eren before he stood up. "Well I must be a gentle man and bring my date to his house, maybe I'll even get a kiss as a reward," Levi said holding out his hand. Eren took it without second thought and was brought to his feet and pulled into Levi his chest feeling two strong arms wrap around his waist. Eren chuckled placing his hands in Levi's chest. "Then lead the way my handsome prince,"

Levi grabbed his horse and got on helping Eren on as well before making his way further into Shiganshina.

So I'm thinking of already uploading once a week instead of once every two weeks. For now I'm keeping it on once every two weeks, I'm getting closer to the middle of the book with writing (in drafts that is) so after I finish witting the book in drafts I'll upload more regularly maybe even two times a week but. I'm not 100% sure yet! Let me know what you think.

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