Chapter 11

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"The cabin is filthy from my stay, maybe we can find a place we can spend the night together, I know my house won't work, and are you really that comfortable sneaking me into your home," Eren questioned softly playing with the alpha's hair. "I wouldn't mind, but it would be tricky, we'll find a place and trust me I am not letting you walk away tonight," Levi whispered in the flustered omega's ear. The low tone in his voice making his omega shiver and flush a darker shade of red quietly yelping when Levi softly nibbled at his earlobe listening contently to the omega's gasps. Moving his head a bit to the side Eren softly grasping onto the back of the alpha's neck letting out soft whimpers.

"Levi," Eren said in a low voice half moaning turning his face to meet the alpha's looking from his cold grey eyes to Levi's lips, kissing him and letting out a satisfied moan. "Let's get out of here," Eren moaned softly before feeling Levi's hands slip to his ass. Eren grabbed onto Levi's arms feeling the alpha grab his ass and pull him up. Eren squealed feeling his legs being lifted off the ground, but quickly wrapped his legs around the alpha's  waist his hands on the back of Levi's neck. Levi chuckled at Eren his flustered expression slowly putting him on his horse before getting up himself. Eren bit his lip and sat down on the horse properly in front of Levi but instead Eren's back facing the alpha, the omega looked right at Levi a slight smile in his face his legs dangling, one on each side of the horse.

Levi shot Eren a dangerous look making the omega giggle. Only making Levi happier, how much he'll love that smile for the rest of his life. Levi was brought back to reality feeling Eren kiss him his lips slowly. "Let's go," he repeated again placing his head in his neck rubbing his scent all over the alpha, making Lev chuckle at how clingy Eren had become even after his heat. He finally had his omega and things were going great, he wasn't gonna let anyone ruin that or hurt his omega, next time his heat comes around he'll be fully completely under Levi's touch and the alpha was gonna make sure it stayed that way so he could mate with Eren and mark him as his own as soon as possible, hopefully before the ball so the omega could finally be his, and his alone. Levi watched as Eren leaned against his chest before he focused his eyes on the road before him.

Levi thanked the woman behind the bar when she finally placed the keys of their room on the bar counter, he felt Eren half behind and pressed up against him looking around the room while a scared expression on his face. It was only then that Levi noticed Eren's pheromones spreading around the tavern, and it wasn't just him who had picked up on that fact, multiple alphas and a few betas were softly growling looking at Eren with hunger in their eyes. Levi grabbed Eren's hand to try and calm him down before turning to the woman again she had visibly opened her dress a little to show off her chest and had a cheeky smile on her face. The alpha scoffed at the woman before taking the keys from the bar. The bartender stopped him and leaned over the counter softly trailing her hand from Levi's hand up his arm giving him a cheeky smirk. Levi watched the woman try and make a move on him, though he couldn't care less for the woman trying to get with him he heard Eren's softly growling. Trying to ignore the cute growl coming from the omega he quickly took the keys and left, leaving the bartender staring at him in disbelief and annoyance her breast still half exposed to the tavern.

Levi knew she wanted to get with him because his clothes looked expensive and he wasn't bad looking either, he didn't have to deal with it a lot since he spend most of his time in the castle with the occasional maid flirting with him but never actually doing anything physical like that. Levi never really paid much mind to that women flirting with him until he heard Eren's cute soft growl.

Levi quickly opened the door to their room letting Eren walk in first, he took a quick scan around the room it was quite a simple room nothing too fancy or expensive. A double bed in the corner with one night stand on the right, since the left side of the bed was placed against the wall, there was a closet, and a desk underneath the window, with quite filthy, see through linen drapes, and a door that led to a small washing room.

After quickly scanning the room he watched Eren fall onto the bed his head buried in a pillow with his ass slightly in the air while he let out a soft sigh. Levi grinned at the sight and walked over to the bed keeping his eyes on Eren while taking his jacket off, before slowly sitting down on the bed making it creak. Eren shuffled a bit at the sound feeling Levi rest his hand on top of his head. "If you were this tired I could have just taken you home," Levi spoke softly running his hands through the omegas hair. Eren leaned into the touch his face still pressed into the pillow. "No that's not it," Eren spoke his words sounding feather muffled. "Then what is it," Levi asked leaning against the headboard watching Eren turn to him, his hand still resting on the omega's head. "I smell different from Betas and alphas and, just being watched by alphas knowing they can jump at me, at any given time, it scares me, I know you're there and that you wouldn't let it haven if an alpha decided to come at me, but what if you're not there, my parents know about me but I'm not comfortable having anyone else know," Levi noticed Eren his anxious and stressed face smelling quite anxious heavy pheromones come off of the omega boy.

Levi tried his best calming the trembling boy down by releasing a calming scent and patting his head. When he noticed Eren still hadn't calmed down he grabbed the omega and pulled him onto his lap softly placing Eren's head against his chest. "Eren you know why I want to mark you so bad," Levi asked placing soft kisses on his head. Eren softly hummed grabbing onto Levi's shirt, his breathing softly slowing down feeling Levi give him a reassuring squeeze while his wrapped his arms around the omega. "Because you're so sweet, loving, and caring, with a short temper, and a deep love for the people you care for, and to make sure everybody knows you're mine, and so that any alpha that will smell you, will know you're already marked and mated with me," Levi explained, softly placing kisses along Eren his jaw and neck making the boy shiver a tiny bit as he listened to the alpha speak.

Eren chuckled hearing Levi speak so protectively over him while the alpha continued to place kisses along his neck and scent glands on the omegas neck. "Plus I'll always be here to protect you," Levi added looking up at the Omega in his lap. "But you're not, when I go back home you're not there, I know I have Mikasa and my parents even Armin is quite strong if he puts his mind to it, but I still feel rather weak," Eren mumbled trying not to offend or hurt Levi with his words. "Just for a little while longer, once my parents know I am not letting you out of my sight, you'll stay with me, if you want to that is of course," Levi explained often brushing his fingers over Eren's cheek smiling at him.

Eren his grim face was replaced with a bright smile as he kissed Levi letting his hands fall from the back of the alpha's neck over his chest to the hem of his shirt. Levi chuckled into the kiss letting his hands slowly move to Eren his hips digging his nails softly into the omegas soft slightly tanned skin deepening the kiss making Eren softly moan. "You feeling better," Levi asked softly trailing kisses down the omegas neck towards his collarbone. "Yeah, thank you," Eren cupped Levi's cheeks again and made him look up at the boy before kissing him again. "Anytime," levi mumbled against Eren his lips slipping his tongue inside the omegas mouth earning a soft moan.

I apologize for the slight delay in today's chapter.

So I write all chapters before hand and around this time I realized instead of saying mark or bond I put mate down every time though in some occasions it was the right wording not always that's my mistake but I was just to lazy to go back and change it all. I again wanna apologize, I am new to writing using the omegaverse and though I did do my research its a lot to remember.

So for the people who don't know I might be admitted into a mental hospital or clinic we're not sure yet. I will get more information on Thursday so I'll give you guys an update on the situation and if it will interfere with my upload schedule then for now. I'll see you next week.



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