Chapter 15

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"Come on now Levi, I'm sure we're more than just arrangements, we're you're best friends," the woman said in a cocky tone a grin on her face. She seemed like a lot to handle and overly energetic. Levi rolled his eyes and turned to Eren. "You wanted to meet them, and my father wouldn't let me leave without them," he explained smiling at the omega who was still a bit skeptical knowing very clearly the taller man was an alpha.

"He wanted to meet us," the woman said clearly very excited clapping her hands together slightly jumping up and down. "Shitty glasses, calm it," Levi glared at the beta woman before looking down at Eren who had his eyes glued on the alpha still a bit unsure if the alpha could smell him and if he was gonna a do anything. "I should probably introduce myself, Hange Zoe pleasure to meet you," the woman formally introduced herself slightly bowing down. "Y-you don't have to bow down... H-Hange," Eren glanced from the alpha quickly to the beta back to the tall alpha male. "And this massive alpha over here is Erwin Smith, your angry alpha his personal guard." Hange said patting Erwin on the shoulder. Eren liked the sound of her talking about Levi as his, it made him feel secure in the relationship with Levi. Erwin gave Eren a small smile which Eren did not return or like.

Erwin smelled Eren his sweet scent and had a hard time not to respond to it. He himself had realized Eren noticed since he had his eyes glued to him hiding slightly hiding behind Levi. "I'm not gonna do anything, Levi will kill me before I'd even get to lay a finger on you," Erwin calmly spoke giving the omega a slight smile. "It's nice to meet you," Eren said to both Erwin and Hange who both smiled back at him. Eren was snapped from his piercing gaze at Erwin by feeling Levi wrap an arm around his waist.

"So now that you met them, and Erwin knows I'll kill him if he tries anything," Levi said half joking giving him a slight glare. "Hange didn't come empty handed, she talked to our seamstress and she had some ideas for dresses, of course you'll still have to meet with her, but she just wanted to show you some ideas." Levi explained watching Hange grab a book from the saddle bags before sitting down on the grass against the tree Eren in between Levi's legs, the alpha's arms wrapped around him, Hange on their right and Erwin sitting beside the beta woman.

"I was meaning to ask, could I bring my sister and friend," Eren asked running his fingers up and down Levi's arm looking up at the alpha. "Of course I guess we could make room for two more guests," Levi smiled down at his omega pressing a kiss on his forehead. Eren slightly blushed looking up at the alpha before being snapped out of his thoughts by a squealing Hange. "I have never seen him so happy and kind, you're a good fit for him," Erwin stated holding a hand over Hange's mouth knowing she was gonna say something inappropriate. Eren smiled at the man while he gave him a slight nod. "I'm happy to hear people don't look at me in a weird way for being an omega or being with Levi, though I'm still scared of what your parents will think," Eren said looking back up at Levi.

"My mother will probably like you, she's kind to everyone and she wants me to be happy, my dad is gonna be a hard one, he mostly cares about having an heir to the throne, and not necessarily about my happiness, though I'm sure that if you meet him and we explain the whole omega thing, he'll turn around and accept it." Levi explained while Hange and Erwin nodded in agreement. "But I have another question," Hange said pulling the attention to her. "Are you gonna make it public to everyone he's an omega, I mean we haven't seen an omega in ages and I'm sure there are people who are more then eager to get their hands on him," Hange said being slapped by Erwin on he shoulder.

When she turned to the omega he had a rather frightened look on his face. "We won't let it happen of course," Hange quickly said trying not to upset the omega any further. Levi noticed the tense omega in his arms and immediately started rubbing his face against Eren's scent glands calming him down the best he could. "It's alright Hange, it just still freaks me out, other alpha's freak me out now, and I also am scared that if people know they might take me, though now that I have Levi I'm not as weak or alone as I was, but still, as much as I'd wanna change it I'm not that strong, I rely on others to protect and care for me, so if someone were to get me, I'd be completely at their mercy," Eren softly explained feeling Levi's tighten his arms around him pressing kisses against the back and on top of his head to comfort him.

"We'll figure it out plus I'm guessing you'll move into the castle with Levi after the ball," Hange asked in a more serious tone then before. "I still haven't fully confirmed it with my parents but—," Eren looked up at Levi his brows slightly furrowed and head tilted to the side waiting for Levi's response. Levi gladly giving him a small nod and a kiss on his forehead. "That was the plan yeah," Eren said smiling at the two sitting next to them. "See that would only help your case, once you're protected between the castle walls with Levi, it would be a lot harder to get to you, making it safer for people to know," Hange explained smiling at the omega. "Who knows about your second gender," Erwin asked looking at Eren.

"My mother, sister, and father, oh my best friend Armin, obviously Levi, you two, and I think that's it, oh there might be a small possibility that my sisters friend... well more like admirer knows, but I'm not sure about that," Eren said counting on his fingers before snuggling back into Levi his chest feeling his lips on top of his head.

The four of them spend the next few hours, most Hange talking to Eren, looking through rough sketches for dresses and chatting. Eren seemed to have taken a liking and Hange and Levi like always became a bit possessive. Erwin mostly just stayed quiet.

"Could you two head back already, don't worry I'll be right behind you," Levi asked watching Erwin and Hange get back on their horses. "We'll wait outside the stables," Erwin said before riding off, Hange closely following behind him. Levi quickly turned back to Eren and hugged him again. "You're awfully clingy today," Eren giggled hugging him back rubbing his scent all over his alpha. "Can you blame me, after not seeing you for a week and then spending all night with you," Levi said after pulling away from the hug his hands on Eren's hips grinning at him. "I hate to need to return back home again," Eren gave Levi a sad smile running his hands through his hair.

"I hate it too, but you have to tell your parents about the ball along with your friend and sister about coming, and about moving in after, I'll have someone meet you here tomorrow, at 11 am to take you to the castle," Levi explained pressing kisses on his cheeks, down his neck and on his scent glands rubbing his own scent on him.

"I love you Levi," Eren said once the alpha finally pulled away. Levi had a small smile on his face but Eren knew how happy that had made Levi by the look in his eyes. "I love you too," Levi rested his forehead against Eren's pulling him closer. Eren placed his hands on Levi's cheeks softly kissing him. "I'll see you tomorrow love," Levi mumbled letting go of Eren and walking to his horse. Pulling himself on the horse he felt Eren touch his hand. "Get home safe," Levi caressed Eren's cheek smiling down at him. "Don't worry love, I'll be safe, feel free to invite your friends tomorrow as well," nodding Eren stepped away from Levi's horse and watching him ride off down the dirt path towards the castle the moon light highlighting his path. Reluctantly Eren turned around and walked home as well.

So quickly so far the story has been very much fluff with a bit of smut, and I was thinking if I was gonna keep this story purely fluff but I decided to put in some drama so once we get to the ball I'll definitely add some drama. Apologies for the short chapter. See you next week!



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