Chapter 7

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Update in upload schedule.

As from this week every Tuesday I will be uploading a new chapter of this story and every Thursday I will be uploading a chapter of another story once I finish it.
That story I will start uploading next week so this week it's just this chapter.


Seven days have gone by since Eren didn't come to see Levi after the alpha had asked Eren to be with him. Everyday Levi would sit at the oak tree until the sun would surface on the horizon and he would have to return back home to meet Hange and Erwin their hopeful faces shattered when seeing Levi's face as he always replied with the same thing.

"Nothing," Levi got off his horse which Hange put into the stable watching Levi walk out without another word his eyes glued to the floor his arms limp next to his body.

"Who was I kidding thinking he'd actually show up," Levi mumbled closing the door in his friends faces. He had been closing himself in his room only coming out for food when his parents insisted he'd be there or at night to wait for Eren to show up. Any time his staff or friends would try to help him he'd act cold distant and annoyed, as all of his friends noticed he'd gotten a lot more distant, snarky, and cold.

Eren walked into his fathers basement holding a tray with a hot cup of tea and some bread. "Another late night for me Eren," his father said while Eren placed the tray next to his father on his desk trying to peak at the book he was reading which he immediately closed. "Dad when are you gonna allow me to go out on my own again, it's been more than a week, I promise, I won't stay out so long and I won't leave without explaining," Eren pleaded like he would be every day for the past week. "Eren please go back upstairs I have better things to do than hear your whining tonight," Eren groaned hearing the same answer everyday was starting to piss him off.

Eren made his way upstairs being met by Mikasa who was helping their mother in the kitchen. "Mom please, just for one night," Eren asked when his mother looked up at him. "No, maybe next time don't leave for a full day without telling your family where you went," his mother said in a stern voice handing Mikasa a wet plate which she dried. "Come on mom I never left the district," Eren groaned in annoyance. "Doesn't matter, gather your laundry will you, and after that help your sister get the clean sheets inside," his mother looked Eren in the eyes her eyebrows raised as to say, don't try me right now. Eren groaned softly before nodding and turning around heading up the stairs.

Eren quickly gathered his clothes and helped Mikasa with the clean sheets making some small talk as he looked around watching people walk around laughing and talking.

Eren was getting enough of his parents treating him like a little kid it was the night of his birthday, everybody had just left, and with everybody he meant Armin and his grandfather, and Jean who was rather quite today. He said goodnight to his parents and Mikasa who all went upstairs as he stayed down to clean up.

About two hours had pasted when he heard his fathers soft snoring coming from upstairs. He quickly grabbed his cloak and made his way out of his house. He was gonna wait at the oak tree hoping Levi would show up he didn't care if his parents liked it or not.

Hange opened the door to Levi his chambers. "Up its time to go," Hange said being followed by Erwin who was holding some clothes for Levi. "Hange it's been a week, I scared him off, I'll just tell my dad to invite over new suitors, maybe that Petra would be good," Levi groaned pulling his comforter over his head. "Petra Ral, lives in the trost district heard she's dating the baker's son who lives in the Shiganshina district," Erwin explained pulling the comforter off of Levi after placing his clothes on a chair. "Come on," Hange said pushing him up. "Hey this is only more reason you need to find him, if you're this depressed it only confirms my suspicion that he's your fated mate, and that you have to bond with him, and mark him," Hange groaned pulling Levi up. "I have a good feeling about today," Hange sat down on Levi his bed pushing him with all of her might off the bed. Levi stood up and grabbed the clothes Erwin gave him. "Hange you've been saying that for a week now," Levi said pinching his nose bridge before disappearing in his bathroom coming out completely dressed.

"Isn't this a bit formal if I'm gonna be sitting in the grass for hours," Levi asked looking up from his clothes to Hange and Erwin. Hange smiled at Levi and walked up to him straightening out his jacket. "And what if he comes, you wanna show up in your pajamas," Hange joked watching her friend not even trying to smile. "I don't know why I still try to listen to you Hange," The alpha mumbled while following his friends out the chambers to the stables. "Listen, either you keep trying and Eren ends up with a protective caring alpha, or you stop one of the alphas jump onto him and before he knows he's with an abusive alpha who only uses him for off spring and his own pleasure if not allowing others to use him," Hange said painting quite an awe full picture knowing it would trigger Levi, and it sure did.

Eren ran through the woods panting quite loudly. It's been two weeks since he'd found out he was an omega and met Levi. He had never been happier, laughing, smiling, talking for hours, Eren couldn't stop smiling thinking about his time with Levi, it was then Eren realized how lonely he had been without Levi.

"Fated Mates, they're destined partners, like soulmates, when apart from each other they're more likely to become depressed, sad sometimes angry, and quite snarky, they'll tend to shut out people, or become incredibly quiet, tend to shut down, until reunited with said mate, the weird thing is it doesn't matter wether they're bonded yet or not, fated mates, it's like they're already bonded and mated, of course they still need to actually bond and mate but they become miserable without their mate," Armin explained pointing at texts and drawn pictures in one of his books before looking up at Eren seeing him completely amazed by it all. "Armin this is amazing, and thank you for not freaking out or telling everybody about this," Eren gave Armin a weak smile feeling Armin rub his back don't worry about it.

Eren rushed onto the clearing looking everywhere the dirt path leading to the castle the oak tree the waterfall and small pond, continuously yelling Levi his name. But nothing, Eren dropped to his knees feeling tears stream down his cheeks only now realizing how much he had kept his emotions down. Eren quickly dried his tears and walked to the pond splashing some water in his face before drying it off. 'Am I really too late,' 'did Levi move on and found the right suitor,' Eren's started to crying again images of Levi with someone else started flashing in his mind only making him choke out more sobs.

Normally Levi would be met with the soft sound of the water falling down the water fall maybe some soft rustling from the wind against the tree branches and leaves. Instead Levi heard quiet sobs, he stepped off his horse and continued walking, when he was finally close enough the sweet smell of peaches and vanilla filled his nose. 'Eren' Levi thought as he started walking faster making his way towards the still quiet sobs.

"Eren," the omega turned around at the sound of his voice tears staining his cheeks his eyes and nose red and puffy from the sobbing and crying. The omegas eyes widened as they met with the same cold grey-blue eyes he couldn't get out of his head, the same once he'd been wanting for see for the last couple of days.


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