Chapter 9

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"Mom, dad... it's—," Eren stopped talking when his mother stood up from her seat. "Why can't you follow one simple rule," she said clearly very disappointed.

"Mom..," Eren looked at his mother with pleading eyes. "Please try to understand, that I'll tell when I'm ready," Eren said calmly to his parents. "Eren we are about done with your lies and secrets, you might be 18 now but you still live under this roof," Grisha said clearly angry with Eren, slamming his hand on the table. "So... like I said I'm not ready to tell," Eren said clearly starting the get irritated. "I don't care if you're ready or not we're your parents we have a right to know," Grisha slapped his hand flat in the table again. Carla and Mikasa were both a bit startled by the sound as Carla quickly stood up and grab her husbands arm trying to calm him. "Eren please tell us what's going on and why you keep sneaking out," Carla calmly asked making her husband sit down. "Mom please try and reason with me, let me tell you later," Eren pleaded looking at his mother. "Is this about your second gender," his mother asked.

"It's one of the factors in all of this yes," Eren gave in taking off his cloak. "Than please tell us sweetie," Carla pleaded looking up at her son. "I—I'm an omega," Eren mumbled looking down at the floor scared of his parents reaction. "And I found my mate," he quietly mumbled after. "Eren that's wonderful," his mother exclaimed wrapping her arms around her son.

A bit taken back by the sudden action he just stood there his hands against his mother's back. "Why you felt the need to hide this is beyond me," his mother whispered in her sons ear. "I'm sorry mom, I was just scared," Eren mumbled hugging his mother tighter feeling someone hug him from behind. When he looked up he noticed Mikasa smiling at him. "Mom I'm going into heat soon, or at least me and Armin think I will, Armin set up some things at Mikasas old house. I'll be staying there for at least a week, my mate already knows and will be taking me there, I had Armin put everything I needed in there clothes blankets, pillows everything," Eren explained looking at his mother and sister who nodded. "I'll be meeting him again tomorrow, and he'll take me there in two days," Eren added smiling at his family, he had never expected his family to be so supportive.

"Now that all this is cleared tell us about him," his mother said a warm smile on her face. "Mom, we're not even sure what's gonna happen between us we're kinda of a time limit, so for now I'd rather just sleep and wait until tomorrow to meet him," Eren calmly said looking up at his mother. "Of course sweetheart get some rest," she smiled at her omega son before allowing him to walk up the stairs during all of this neither of them had noticed his father was rather quiet a weird smile on his face.

Levi met his friends with a bright smile on his face only making his friends even happier. "He came," Hange screamed when she saw her best friends face. Levi scoffed at Hange's overexcited look and got off his horse putting it in the assigned stable for him. "Come on I could use a cup of tea, and I am guessing you two want to hear everything," Levi joked knowing damn well it was the truth. "Hell yeah we do," Hange said excited placing a arm around Levi his shoulder. "Told you today was your lucky day," she whispered in his ear making the alpha scoff.

"So what you're saying is he is okay with, everything moving fast, and being your mate and being queen, Levi this is amazing," Erwin congratulated his friend by patting him on his back. "yeah it really is," Levi said with a small smile on his face. "Though nothing has been set in stone yet, he seemed to be okay with it, but he's going into heat soon so he'll be in a cabin I'll take him there in two days I won't see him for a week," Levi explained looking a bit sad. "are you sure it's okay you know where the cabin is, I mean you could always return and decide to mate with him," Hange asked a bit concerned for her friend and his mate. "Well I'll be here and I'll just have to stay around you two so you can stop me but I am gonna be there with him until the end, and I'll be there when it's over," Levi's voice was caring yet stern making Hange incredibly happy. "look at you being all protective over your omega," she had a wide grin on her face as the three of them left the kitchen and went to bed.

Eren made his way to the clearing, for the first time ever he was quite calm about everything since his parents knew about Levi and him being an omega though they didn't know the details about Levi they were accepting and let him be.

Eren walked into the clearing watching Levi quickly get up from his spot against the oak tree. "Did you have to take so long," Levi joked wrapping his arms around Eren his waist while he felt the omega wrap his own arms around the alpha's neck pulling each other into a warm embrace.

"So my family knows," Eren whispered against Levi his neck feeling the alpha rub his scent all over him. "What happened," Levi asked pulling away from the hug. Eren chuckled at the alphas worried look in his eyes, his arms still tightly secured around the omega. Eren softly touched Levi's cheek before giving him a kiss. "Let's sit down first," he mumbled against the alphas lips. Levi nodded softly kissing Eren again before leading them both to the oak tree where he had a folded blanket next to him. "Thought you might get cold," Levi explained sitting down in the ground followed by Eren. He sat down on his lap his legs on Levi's right side of his lap, leaning against Levi his head buried in the alphas neck. "When I got home yesterday night my parents and sister were waiting for me, so I told them about my second gender and that I found my mate," Eren chuckled cupping Levi his cheeks giving him a kiss. Levi smiled into the kiss soft rubbing his omegas back. "And everything is okay," he asked softly against Eren's lips. He just nodded before kissing Levi once again cupping his cheeks "Eren," Levi mumbled against the omegas lips before passionately kissing him again.

Eren let out a soft moan as he got on Levi his lap straddling the alpha feeling his strong hands press against his back only pushing him closer against Levi. Eren let out a soft whimper before pulling away from Levi his pupils fully dilated his mind clouded with lust and need, softly tugging at Levi his hair. "Levi, my heat," Eren let out a soft moan placing his head in the alphas neck taking in the scent. "Let's get you to that cabin," Levi said trying to stand up but being pushed against the tree by Eren who grabbed one of Levi's hand placing it against the growing bulge in his pants. "Please, help me," Eren pleaded whimpering and whining as he felt like his body was on fire. "You wouldn't want me to," Levi said trying to fight the urge to throw Eren on the blanket next to them and just take him.

He managed to quickly stand up and wrap Eren in a blanket. "Levi please," Eren moaned his cheeks bright red a clear bulge in his pants. Eren was panting and softly moaning making it harder and harder for Levi to resist him. Levi helped Eren on his horse placing Eren wrapped in the blanket panting and something wincing in pain, in front of him before he got on the horse himself and riding over to the cabin trying to ignore the panting moaning omega in front of his as much as possible hoping to god Eren wouldn't trigger his rut.

"Fuck Eren, hold on a little longer,"

I wanna quickly apologize for forgetting to upload yesterday. I was sick and I completely forget, normally I edit and upload the chapters in school and because yesterday I wasn't, I forgot. I'll see you next week or tomorrow with a new chapter of forbidding huh~



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