Danger is coming my love

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Two months after Ray is born.

Eren wandered around the castle Rui nested in his arms knowing the boy liked it when he'd walk around. As time went by Levi was getting prepped to become king, meaning less and less time with Eren and the twins. Looking down at Rui the omega noticed the glassy eyes. "You miss your daddy don't you," softly fussing Rui nuzzled closer into his chest as a way of telling him yes. "I know baby, you'll see your daddy tonight I promise," while cuddling and giving Rui kisses Eren pushed his way through a door being met with Kuchel looking through something. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I can go," Eren muttered ready to turn away. "No.. no come, sit with me for a while,"

Sitting down next to Kuchel, Eren placed the boy on his lap drying his tears and softly comforting him with his scent. "How are you doing, I know my husband has Levi in the library for most of the day, it must be hard on Rui and Nezumi.. and even harder on you," Eren chuckled and looked down at his son who was a bright smile on his face once again nuzzling his face into Eren's shirt taking in his mother's scent. "I miss him, a lot, but I understand what he needs to do, as hard as that might be, I'm not gonna leave him because I can't have him by my side every hour of everyday," Eren sighed looking up at Kuchel whole nodded in acknowledgment.

"We both know this was gonna come, I just didn't know how hard it was gonna be on me," Eren sighed smiling through his tears. "Oh sweetie, I know it can't be, while I might not understand what it means to be marked and mated, but I know what it's like being away from the one you love," Kuchel cupped one of Eren's cheeks smiling warmly at the boy. "If it's.. not weird to say, you remind me of my mother, she was always kind and comforted me when I need it, we'd always look at an album of my brother." Eren weakly smiled at the faint memory of his mother.

"You've never told me about your brother..," Kuchel said removing her hand form his cheek and clutching onto the album she had on her lap. "He.. died, when I was like seven, he was from my father's previous marriage, while my mother loved him like a normal son he never managed to fit in with Mikasa and me.. so when he died, we moved on a lot faster then we thought, I wish I had those albums of pictures of him with our family." Kuchel chuckled listening to Eren talk about his family. "I know it might not be the photo album of your brother.. but I have some pictures of Levi," Kuchel said holding up the album she had been holding onto this whole time.

Smiling Eren sits a bit closer to Kuchel holding his now sleeping son a bit higher on his chest, pulling his knees up too. Kuchel chuckled and opened the album on the first page. "It is about every photograph I had taken of Levi until his 16th birthday," Kuchel happily started talking about Levi showing Eren picture after picture until they stumbled upon a picture of Levi, with two people surrounding him and a bright semi smile on his face. "It was the last time he truly smiled before he met you... and even now he smiles more when he's with you than he's ever smiled before,"

"Who are the people in the picture, they seem... close," Eren said a hint of jealousy at how close both the boy and the girl were standing to Levi. "Isabel, and Farlan, they were the kids of two families coming to my husband for help, he was kind enough to offer them jobs here in the palace, but with that job came the promise that their kids would befriend Levi. Surprisingly they got along, and soon they became best friends, but on Levi's birthday they went out on town, they loved the people, there was a festival for Levi, so they danced and sung, ate food and so much more, but some alphas went crazy, they attacked Isabel and in a rage Farlan jumped the alphas, both of them got killed that night,"

Eren was trembling his son becoming uneasy in his sleep at his mother's unsettling pheromones leaving his scent glands. "I- I was there, that festival, people were making a bigger fuss, so me and my mother went to look what it was about, I saw Levi that day... I might have triggered my omegan side earlier than expected when I saw Levi and... that caused the alphas to go wild, because of my pheromones," trembling in fear Eren hugged Rui who in the meantime had woken up and was softly crying.

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