Chapter 27

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Levi had looked all over the place for Eren but still couldn't find him. There was only one place he hadn't check and that were the stables. Sure enough when he ran into the stables out of breath he saw Eren ride out towards Shiganshina on the back of a horse. Levi panicked quickly grabbing a horse and following him.

Eren was going as fast as he could needing to see his mother, needing to see the scene for himself, and find his father that he didn't realize Levi was catching up with on the back of a horse no saddle or any gear on. He heard his alpha call out his name but he tried his hardest to ignore it his vision blurry from the tears still running down his cheeks.

Levi tried his hardest to catch up reaching out his hand to grab the reins or the head stall of the horse Eren was riding. When he couldn't come close enough he decided to try something. He placed his hands just in front of his crotch on the horses back slowly lifting himself up firming placing his feet on the horses back. Levi tried his hardest to keep his balance as the horse kept following Eren at full speed making Levi tumble a bit back and forth. Levi knew he was skilled but couldn't keep this up for too long since the horse wasn't even wearing a saddle. He waited until the horse got a little closer and jumped.

Levi wrapped his arms around Eren who was shocked at the sudden contact a bit stunned too. When he looked over his shoulder he saw Levi's lips resting against his shoulder his arms tightly wrapped around the omega's waist. Levi took the opportunity to grab the reins that Eren was clutching onto for dear life still in complete shock from his mate all of a sudden sitting on the horse behind him holding onto him tightly.

Levi made Eren turn around still sitting in the horse but facing Levi before they rode back to the stables not saying another word to each other. Eren didn't dare look in Levi's eyes terrified to find his alpha mad at him for trying to flee and look for his parents, but it was quite the opposite though Eren didn't realize. Levi had finally calmed down feeling Eren's forehead rest against his chest still sobbing.

When they finally made their way back, Eren, Erwin, Hange, Armin, and Levi himself were sitting in a common area in front of the fireplace Eren wrapped up in a blanket still slightly sobbing his eyes red and puffy from all the cry, his clothes wet from the tears. "Could you guys give us a moment," Levi asked looking at the two betas and the alpha who simply nodded. The three of them stood up Hange leaving first, Erwin holding onto a still upset Armin keeping the beta close to him. "We're starting the expedition to find the survivors tomorrow," Erwin informed Levi before closing the door leaving the two alone in a silent room only Eren's sobs being heard.

"Love look at me," Levi had kneeled down in front of Eren who had his eyes glued to the floor. "I can't," Eren mumbled trying to avoid his eyes. "Love I'm not angry, I'm just happy you're alive and well, that you're safe in here with me, I know this is hard to process but I'm not gonna let you run off and not turn to me for comfort," Levi explained grabbing Eren's chin with his index finger and thumb making him look up. Eren squeezed his eyes shut so he wouldn't have to look at Levi and so hopefully the tears would stop.

Levi let out a deep sigh before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on the omega's lips. Eren slowly kissed back feeling guilt fill his mind. 'I made Levi worry like this, I ran and made him do something incredibly reckless to get me back, I should have just talked to him, and asked for comfort, I know he would have giving it to me in a heartbeat' Eren's mind was running wild with thoughts and guilt. After a couple of second Levi pulled away from the kiss his eyes fluttering open watching Eren do the same. "I'm not mad love," Levi whispered brushing his thumb over his cheek pressing a quick kiss on his nose making Eren giggle. "I'm sorry," Eren mumbled pulling Levi into a warm tight embrace.

"We'll find them don't worry, but just to make sure we'll pack a bag for if we need to flee to castle utgard," Levi explained to Eren. Everybody had joined them again and started talking over the plan and possible culprits or the group that would be behind the killing. That same night they got in a list of dead along with a list of the citizens. Once they were done comparing they found out that there were only a selected few who were alive, Grisha, Mikasa and Jean being among them.

"Now we need to know who knows about Eren," Hange said grabbing a note. "Knows what about Eren," everybody turned to the door seeing the king and queen standing in the door opening. Levi felt Eren tense up against him upon seeing the king and queen again but he quickly relaxed when Levi pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Guess we can't hide this forever," Levi said still seated next to Eren holding him close. "Eren's an omega," Levi simply stated feeling the boy tense up again.

The king and queen were both looking at the two dumbfounded at what Levi just told them. "That means...," the king mumbled. "Yes father he can get pregnant but for once open your damn eyes and see that, that shouldn't matter in whether or not I'm with him," Levi said growling at his own father. "No, I mean I'll have security doubled for the two of you, mostly for Eren of course, this is wonderful news, and I will not let anything happen to you two," the king said a tiny smile on his face. Meanwhile Kuchel had made her way to Eren and embraced him. "You're a wonderful boy, this is only better news so you can calm down," she said before joining her husband on the other side of the table.

"Going back to business, who knows," Hange asked looking over at Eren and Levi. "You, Erwin, Armin, Levi, the king and queen, Sasha, Connie, Historia, Ymir, Marco, Annie, my father, Mikasa, and my mother used to know," Eren whispered looking down at his lap. "And Jean knows," Armin added making them look up at him. "What, you were gone, I was lonely, he was nice, I needed someone to talk too, and Mikasa was going on about how much she hated Levi," Armin explained feeling Erwin softly tighten his grip on him. He just chuckled and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"So three of those people are missing, we'll try and find them as fast as possible, they are top priority no matter what," Erwin explained to everyone who nodded in agreement. "But can we be sure one of them leaked Eren's secret, I mean Grisha he's his father he wouldn't, same goes for Mikasa she's way to protective over Eren to put him in any sort of danger, and Jean, though he doesn't show it he cares a lot about Eren and he wouldn't do that," Armin explained sitting up again. "Well those are the only ones outside the castle walls that know about Eren's second gender so, that's our only option for now," Levi said noticing Eren was rather quiet. "Tell me if you wanna leave," Levi whispered in the omegas ear who simply nodded and stood up walking away. Levi excused both of them and walked after Eren who was walking towards their bedroom.

This was the worst chapter yet and I apologize for that. I'll see you Friday



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