Chapter 23

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"It was a tradition back in the day, well more of a formality that the alpha would replace his bed for a new one, if not make it himself, though that doesn't explain why you're so uncomfortable, are you sure he's never had anyone else sleeping in his bed," Armin asked looking up from the books that were spread open on the table in front of the two boys. "Not that I know of," Eren said reading a small piece text about pregnancy and nesting. "God, I'd be surprised if Levi doesn't kill me, me being this clingy, won't I annoy the shit out of him," Eren asked looking at Armin who was also reading. "Not really, alphas find a certain charm and comfort in their partners being so clingy," Armin explained while reading a little more into heats, ruts, and knotting.

"God pregnancy sounds horrible, I mean I'm sure in the moment it will feel amazing but, being picky with food, clinging to said mate, nesting, morning sickness," Eren started naming things while Armin looked over at him. "I'm sure it would be all worth it when you'll have a beautiful and adorable baby in your arms," Armin smiled at Eren who chuckled. "For now I'm perfectly content with how things are, plus I can only get pregnant during my heat, but I am perfectly happy right now, though I am a bit stressed about meeting his parents," Eren said his face turning a bit sad. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Queen Kuchel is a wonderful woman, though the king is rather bold and harsh at times, but he can be quite charming once you get to know him," Historia said popping into the conversation handing them some tea.

"Thank you Historia," Eren said politely taking the cup from here as Armin did the same. "And Eren don't worry about all of this, talk with Levi about it, sure you have a lot of books with information but you're the first omega in years things have changed, though you're still at risk of people trying to get you, I won't sugar coat that, but you have Levi, and me, Hange, Erwin, Armin, your parents and Mikasa at home, don't forget Connie, Sasha, Marco and though she'd never admit it, Ymir is too, trust me you are safe here, Levi won't let anything happen to you," Historia softly caressed Eren's cheeks bending over the table. Eren smiled feeling Historia's warm yet small hand on his cheek.

"Thank you Historia, I'm sure you'll make a sweet and lovely midwife, and who knows maybe even a mother one day," Eren complimented her which she kindly accepted a slight blush tinting her cheeks. "Just talk to your alpha, he's happy with you, and he cares and loves you, he'll listen, plus from what I heard, from Hange he is freaking out about his parents as well," Historia said before walking off.

"Did you hear anything from Mikasa or my parents," Eren asked closing the books again. "Not a lot, I mean your parents miss you and so does Mikasa but for the rest I haven't heard from her since the ball," Armin said standing up. "Where're you going," Eren quickly followed Armin who put back the books. "Since Erwin has to attend dinner with you and Levi, we're having an early dinner together," Armin blushed trying to avoid eye contact with Eren who just chuckled at Armin's flustered state. "Enjoy~," Eren said in a teasing voice before the both of them went their separate ways.

Eren was just wandering around the castle making sure to stay out of sight. After a while of exploring while also subconsciously looking for Levi he heard Hange's shouting and laughing. "EReeeeeeeen," she screamed running down the hall over to the slightly startled boy. "H-hange," the omega let out a chuckle while Hange grabbed his shoulders. "Let's go, let's go, Levi is waiting and you need to change," she said in a hurry grabbing his wrist and pulling him up the stairs towards their now shared bedroom.

"Hange calm down," Eren smiled at the excited yet he caught a glimpse of anxiety. "You look scared, anxious, is everything okay," Eren asked walking next to the beta who had stopped sprinting and was just walking at a semi normal pace. "The king, he wasn't been in a great mood the last... week or so, so I am dreading this dinner, I'm sure the queen can manage him a little, but I'm more scared of Levi," Hange explained in a rather serious tone which Eren wasn't used to.

"Levi?" Eren gave Hange a confused look, she simply nodded before continuing. "He always had a hard time keeping his cool around his father, but with you there, if Levi thinks his dad is targeting you in anyway, the chance is big that he will lose it," Hange explained smiling down at Eren. "I just hope his father can be convinced I am a girl, and even if things come out, that he will accept me and Levi, cause uh... we can't exactly go back," Eren mumbled the last bit rubbing the back of his neck his fingers softly brushing over Levi's mark. Hange's eyes widened and got behind Eren pulling his hand away looking at the mark.

Hange squealed reaching out to touch it but before she could Eren moved away from her touch and growled covering the mark again. "Sorry, sorry, my bad," Hange quickly apologized before making her way over to their bedroom with Eren. "I'll come and pick you two up in 20 minutes for dinner," Hange quickly excused herself before Eren gave her a smile and walked into the bedroom. He looked at Levi putting his pants on.

Judging from the fact be didn't turn around or greeted him. The omega smirked and walked over to the alpha wrapped his arms around his naked torso resting his head on the alpha's shoulder. Levi placed his head on the boy's cheek and turned his head towards him. "Hi...," he said in a husky voice pressing a kiss on Eren's cheek. He quickly turned to face Levi who wrapped his arms around his waist letting his hands rest against Eren's ass.

"I missed you," Eren mumbled nuzzling into Levi's chest. The alpha did nothing but chuckle and hug his omega tighter. "Did you talk to Armin," Levi asked petting Eren's head softly also pressing kisses on his head. "I did, so, did anyone ever sleep in your bed, apart from the two of us," Eren asked looking up at Levi who had a confused look on his face. "Uh you mean, slept with me as in...," Levi was gonna continue but was cut off by Eren nodding. "no....NO," Levi said before giving Eren a kiss. "You're the only one," Eren blushed at Levi's statement but remember something Armin said. "So, if you didn't have sex with anyone apart from me, did someone stay over like Hange or Erwin...," Eren asked carefully being scared to offend him. "Now that I think about it we used to sleep on the floor and we used the sheets and pillow, and when we were kids we'd all sleep in the same bed if I felt lonely, and if I remember correctly, I haven't gotten a new bed since I was a little kid," Levi said snickering at the memories.

"So Armin and I did some research and we found out that it was a thing that Alpha's would buy or even make a new bed once they mated with their omega's, I don't really care for that but Armin guessed that maybe the pheromones rubbed off onto the sheets, pillow and mattress and they're.. bothering me," Eren said a bit embarrassed dragging his fingers over Levi's chest. "Then as of tomorrow, I will make sure a new bed will be in the room," Levi said smiling at Eren. "Are you sure that's not too much," Eren said placing his hands on the back of his neck. "Not at all, now let's get you into a dress, I hate to make you wear them, but my dad is in a bad mood, so for now, let's keep it between us and our friends," Levi said referring to Hange and Erwin as his friends and the rest as Eren's friends.

Eren smiled and pulled Levi down smashing their lips together. Levi let out a small moan picking Eren up who wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. "Remind me to immediately take you back to our room once my parents let us go," Levi said in a low husky seductive voice before putting Eren down again making him groan. "Come on," Levi said placing a kiss on his head before walking to the closet.

I know it cringy. But I needed a filler chapter and more content. I'll see you guys next week!



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