Chapter 5

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Eren waited for Levi to stop the horse in front of his house before he got off himself. "Wait, no I totally forgot you wanted to tell me something," Eren said quickly turning around looking up at Levi. "It's alright, if we hang out tomorrow, I'll have plenty of time to get to know your town, your friends and tell you," Levi smiled at the omega. "M-meet my friends," Eren stuttered a bit shocked. "If you don't want too that's fine, I just wanna see how you live, I never got to live a normal life," Levi explained softly touching Eren his cheek.

Eren smiled sleepily and watched Levi ride his horse down his street back to the castle before he turned to his door walking inside being met by Mikasa. "So you did sneak out," she said standing up. "Mikasa I can't right now just go back to sleep," Eren walked past her and rubbed his eyes softly yawning. "Eren, who was he, are you gay," Eren froze and turned to Mikasa. "If I want to be interrogated by someone I'll ask dad or mom to do it, for once act like my sister not my second mother, and yes maybe I am," Eren yawned again before making his way upstairs followed by Mikasa.

Levi made his way back into the stables being met by Hange and Erwin again the only difference is this time they had a lot calmer look on his face. "We need to talk, things just got a lot more interesting," Levi quickly put his horse in the right stable and walked inside Hange next to him Erwin in front of him.

"Wait he's a WHAT," Hange's voice echoed through his room and the hall. Levi quickly covered Hange's mouth letting her to shush, a death glare planted on his face. "Shut the hell up, who knows who's listening," Levi hissed at Hange before slowly removing his hands from her face. "Sorry sorry, but just this is great news, now he checks all of the boxes he can carry the heirs to the throne you love him, he's sweet and well he makes you happy," Hange said excited clapping her hands together. "Okay okay hold that thought I haven't even told Eren that I told my parents about him, and I haven't even told him I stopped looking for a suitor, plus I met him two days ago," Levi explained pinching his nose bridge. "Come on Levi I knew you haven't known him that long but, and Erwin can back me up on this, we've never seen to this happy every since your father said you'd be meeting with suitors," Hange explained smiling up at him.

"Just talk to him, if Eren really is as sweet and caring as you told us he is, I'm sure he will understand, and who knows maybe things work out between you two, and who knows maybe you just found your fated mate," Hange said smiling from ear to ear. "Fated mate?" Levi looked a bit confused as he glanced from Erwin to Hange.

"Fated mates, it's like soulmates, you'll still have to actually bond and mate with them but in a way your fate is to be with them so it's already decided," Hange explained grabbing a book from Levi his massive bookcase located behind them. Hange quickly scanned the book before handing it to Levi already opened at one specific page. "Did you feel at all drawn to him, in anyway," Hange asked sitting on the arm rest of the chair Erwin was seated in. "I mean sure, but who would be he's quite small he smells amazing and he's beautiful," Levi said not really caring his friends might tease him for saying those things. "Well either way, this would be better than needing to marry some brain dead bimbo," Hange joked looking up from Erwin to Levi who has a small soft smile plastered over his face. "Yeah," Levi softly aid closing the book and putting it back on the right book shelf. "Well I have all of tomorrow to talk things over with him, since I didn't get to do that today, we'll see, let's just hope knowing all of this won't scare him off,"

Levi's mind was already in a different place when he finished the sentence hearing his friends talking become more of a mumbling sound in the background as he thought of a place or world were Eren would run from him, were the omega would run for his life because he didn't want to stand next to Levi as his bride, as his queen. Levi quickly shook the thought from his mind and focused back on his friends while Hange was clapping her hands together excitedly talking about Eren and him. "Okay okay, shitty glassed put a pin in the wedding plans and help me find something to wear to blend in," Levi said glaring at her while Erwin just sat back in his chair and snickered at the two bickering. "I know just the girl to talk to," Hange said somehow even more excited than before.

After Hange left the room Levi eyed Erwin who had a smug smile on his face. "What you smiling about," Levi asked curling up into the other chair. "Just, thinking about everything, guess you were lucky to finally find your mate," Erwin smiled up at Levi who had his signature cold expression on his face which was quickly turned into a small smile. "Yeah, but don't sweat it, I'm sure you'll find yours, and if not, shitty glasses is always there," Levi joked. Erwin opened his mouth to respond to the joke but was cut off my a knock. Hange made her way into Levi his chambers being followed by a short girl with blond hair which was up in an elegant bun a small dress and a handkerchief around her belt that was hanging on her hips.

"Annie," Levi greeted the royal seamstress. "Your highness," Annie greeted Levi who stood up, she bowed to him which Levi quickly shook of telling her to stop. "Okay so Annie he needs some clothes, commoner clothing, by tomorrow," Hange said leaning on her shoulder. "Commoner?" She mumbled looking at Levi who was a bit uncomfortable. "I have his measurements it'll be done by tomorrow morning," Annie said coldly looking at Hange who again stood on her toes clapping her hands together. "Perfect," she gave Annie another smirk watching the girl excuse her self quickly mumbling something about pulling an all nighter before again before closing the big door to Levi his chambers.

Levi looked at Hange who was a little to excited for his liking. He nudged both his friends out of the room and got ready for bed completely exhausted as he felt his eyes get heavy thinking of Eren his ocean green eyes before falling into his slumber.

Eren yawned and stretched his arms out as far as he could squeezing his eyes shut shielding himself from the light coming from his window. When he looked at the window in his room he realized either his mother or Mikasa were in here while he was sleeping. His dirty clothes were gone from the floor and the curtains were pulled to the side letting the sun in. Eren quickly jumped out of his bed and put on some clothes before rushing down stairs greeting his mother, father and sister at the table. He quickly pecked his mother on the cheek grabbing a piece of bread from the table and a apple from the fruit bowl in the kitchen before excusing himself and walking out of his house.

Eren knew he wasn't meeting Levi for at least a couple more hours so he judged wandered around being greeted by some soldiers as he watched Hannes stumble over to him. "EREN!!" Hannes yelled while giggling his cheeks flushed from the alcohol his eyes almost crossed. Eren smiled up at the man "drunk once again," Eren chuckled feeling Hannes lean on him when he wrapped an arm around Eren his shoulder. "Mmmh the only good thing about this damn district," Hannes smiled pressing his glass bottle of beer against Eren his chest.

After a while of giggling and laughing Eren managed to escape Hannes his grip. When he finally did he rushed to the clearing in the woods where he'd meet Levi he knew he was early but everything to avoid talking with Hannes about his second gender.

Since I am reaching the end of the story in drafts I am uploading more often already!

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