Chapter 16

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Eren walked through the woods pulling the cloak around him tighter feeling the wind become stronger. He had always felt uneasy in the woods but now without Levi bringing him home he felt like he was being watched.

Eren quickly turned to a bush hearing some rustling but finding nothing. The omega boy quickly started to rush back home to his family where he felt more safe trying not to pay attention to the rustling sound and the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.


"Oh come on cheer up Mikasa," Armin said extremely excited as he followed Eren through the woods to the clearing. "I don't trust him, or anything," Mikasa huffed hiding in the red scarf wrapped around her neck. "We have been invited by Eren who is dating the prince you can at least be grateful," Armin lectured her before sprinting to Eren who wasn't paying attention to their conversation and was in a completely different world some how blindly finding his way to the clearing.

"You're nervous," Armin stated once he finally managed to grasp Eren's attention. "Who wouldn't be I'm supposed to fool the king and queen in saying I'm a girl, and we're going to a castle, if they find out I could be killed for trying to trick the royal family," Armin chuckled while Eren was throwing his arms around like a man man all while rambling on. "Eren you've gotta chill," Armin placed a reassuring hand on the omegas shoulder which managed to somehow calm him down. "I just don't wanna mess things up, or have Levi change his mind," Eren said letting out a deep sigh.

"I don't think that's possible from what I've heard.. and seen, he loves you, remember when you're heat was over, how eager you were to see him, he looked just as eager and desperate to hug and touch you, trust me he'll never change his mind," Armin explained softly rubbing circles on the omegas back. "Thanks," Eren smiled at his friend and quickly glanced at his sister who had the same cold glare on her face as she followed the two friends. Eren chuckled at his sister before making his way onto the clearing followed by Armin and later Mikasa.

"So who was supposed to pick us up again" Armin asked looking around at the peaceful place. "This is amazing," Armin said looking around. "This is my spot, stick to your books," Eren snapped at the beta who just chuckled. "Come on, this way," Eren walked onto the dirt road and was met with three horses standing there with three figures on the horses.

Expecting Levi he was a bit shocked when he saw a small blond girl with a sweet smile on her face, and a girl with brown red ish hair holding a piece of bread not at all fazed by the presence of the three in front of her. Eren let out a sigh of relief seeing Hange her familiar face. "Eren," she said excitedly jumping off her horse and engulfing Eren in a hug leaving Armin and Mikasa a bit stunned. "Nice to see you again Hange-san," Eren said with formality. "If I can't bow to you, no formalities, or honorifics," Hange said moving her index finger from left to right in front of Eren's face like she was lecturing a child. "Got it, uh right, this is my friend, Armin, and my sister Mikasa," Eren said turning to the two who were still a bit confused and stunned. FInally Sasha looked up at the two and smiled. "Sasha Braus," she said placing her right hand on her chest still holding onto the piece of bread, her other hand behind her back. Eren just chuckled while Mikasa and Armin were a bit taken back. "No need for the formalities, I'm pretty sure you're still higher in ranking than me," Eren laughed a bit uncomfortable rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm Historia," the small blond girl said smiling at the three. "It's nice to meet you all," Armin said look at the three girls.

"Come on let's go," Hange said pulling Eren with him. "Uh okay," Eren got on the horse with Hange, Armin with Historia, and Mikasa with Sasha. Once everyone was ready the six of them made their way over to the castle.

Upon arriving Sasha quickly put all the horses back in their assigned stable. Eren walked over to Levi his horse and softly petted it, the horse seemed to recognize Eren since he started to nudge his head against Eren's chest. Hange laughed before dragging the three of them inside where they were met by Annie and Erwin. "It's nice to see you again Erwin," Eren said clearly a lot more comfortable than before. "Pleasure it all mine, Eren, I presume those two are your friend and sister," Erwin asked looking behind Eren seeing Armin and Mikasa looking around the place in complete awe at how big and beautiful it was. Eren didn't really have a chance to take in how big the place was until he noticed Armin and Mikasa looking around. "Uh... yeah they are," Eren said looking back at Erwin. "I'm sorry I don't think we met, Eren Jaeger, pleasure to meet you," Eren said smiling at the girl with a cold and bored expression on her face, her hair needly tucked into a bun. "I'm Annie Leonhart the royal seamstress," Annie explained bowing to Eren. "Oh no please, don't," Eren said to Annie feeling highly uncomfortable, people kept bowing to him and it was anything but pleasant. "Armin, Mikasa," Eren turned to his friends who were looking at him. "You good," he asked chuckling at the two who were rather taken aback by everything.

"U-uh yeah, I'm Armin Artlet," Armin introduced himself bowing to everyone letting his eyes fall over Erwin who hadn't looked away from him, making Armin blush. "Mikasa Jaeger," Mikasa introduced herself giving everyone a cold glare. "Eren if you would follow me, Levi is currently busy, planning the festivities with the king and queen I will have you measured and start on the dress immediately," Annie said holding her hand out further into the castle. "uh..I guess, you guys will be okay," Eren asked his friends who just nodded. "They can come with us, we'll find them some nice clothes," Historia said grabbing Mikasa's hand making her jump a bit before watching Sasha grab Armin's hand dragging them towards Eren and Annie who were walking further into the castle.

"Are you sure this was a good idea, taking them here already," Erwin asked watching the group make their way towards the west wing where the chambers were located. "I'm sure it'll be fine, Levi is occupying his parents for now and once we're done Levi and Eren will have enough time to spend together before returning the three of them home, though I have noticed you have put your interest in a certain blond beta boy," Hange said teasing Erwin and giving him a few nudges in his side before running after everyone. Erwin a bit flustered silently followed the group further into the castle keeping his rather formal and tense posture.

My apologies for the short chapter. I'm gonna be uploading two chapters a week. So I'll see you guys Friday!



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