Chapter 25

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Levi's father softly knocked on the door to Levi's bedroom but heard nothing. When he slowly opened the door he looked at the balcony Eren in Levi's arms both of them just standing there smiling at each other. He watched the two love birds in each other's arms hearing Eren say something about the king hating him. The king frowned watching Eren's eyes welling with tears. Levi softly wiped the tears away and kissed him, it was a soft sensual kiss, and after that they exchanged a quick 'I love you' before hugging each other again. The man snickered and turned around walking out of the room.

"And think about it like this, now you won't have to wear a dress anymore, though you look beautiful and rather adorable in them," Levi said lowering his voice when he complimented Eren. "So you have a thing for boys in dresses huh," Eren teased having heard every word Levi had said. "No... I have a thing for you in dresses," Levi said smirking.

Eren started to giggle placing his hands and forehead against Levi chest trying to stop himself from giggling. The alpha smirked at the giggling, snickering boy in his arms and decided to take some revenge. He quickly picked him up in his arms, placing his hands on Eren's ass making him squeal. "Keep the noises for inside," Levi smirked making his way inside his room while Eren wrapped his body around Levi holding onto him like his life depends on it. Levi chuckled and closed the balcony doors. "We did it for a week straight, are you for real," Eren softly spoke cupping Levi's cheeks and placing a light kiss on his lips. "Well, If you don't want to that's fine, but I did have people replace the sheets," Levi said laying the boy down on the bed hovering over him. "You're amazing," Eren smiled at him pressing another kiss on his lips. "I am thanks to you," Levi mumbled against his lips deepening the kiss.

"Levi," Eren said dragging his fingers over his chest looking up at the alpha. Eren giggled when he saw Levi, his hair a mess, kiss and bite marks on his chest, neck and shoulder, along with scratch marks on his shoulders and chest, his eyes still filled with sleep, and his back slightly resting against the headboard of the bed. "What's so funny?" Levi said slightly pouting. "Nothing," Eren just smiled at Levi and leaned in to kiss him. When he pulled away again the pout was gone and Levi was just smiling. "Can we go and see my parents, it's been a while, and I don't wanna leave them behind," Eren explained feeling Levi's slightly cold hands run up and down his back.

"Of course we can, I'd love to have an actual conversation with your parents and formally meet them," Levi laughed remembering the last time he met Eren's mother. Eren smiled brightly and sat up on Levi's lap the sheets falling off his hips exposing his naked butt which Levi took as an option to grab it.

Eren giggled and ran his hands through Levi's hair. "I can't believe I'm here... with you, in this massive bed, in this massive castle," Eren said not being able to stop smiling while Levi pulled him closer their naked bodies slightly rubbing together. "I can't believe it either, yet it's true, you can feel this—," Levi smiled touching Eren's cheek watching the boy lean into the touch kissing the palm of his hand.

"And this—," Levi softly squeezed the omega's ass making him gasp. "And this—," Levi mumbled against Eren's skin before kissing his nipple making him squirm. 'More sensitive than usual' Levi thought a bit confused why he was so sensitive before he continued teasing him. "And this—," Eren gasped and moaned feeling Levi push a finger against his entrance but not pushing it in. Eren softly growled and threw his head back in annoyance.

"Tease," he pouted looking back at Levi. Levi just watched and chuckled seeing Eren try and look mad at him. "I hate you," he said still pouting Levi's hands on his waist. "Oh come on, you love it, trust me we'll have plenty of time to have fun later, plus it like to try some things," Levi hummed in a low voice pulling Eren closer hugging him. "You wanna go see your parents right, let's get ready," he said smiling seeing Eren's eyes light up. "Okay then lets go," Eren said trying to get off Levi. "No kiss," Levi asked looking up at Eren. He just giggles and quickly pressed a kiss on his lips. Levi softened his grip, Eren took his chance and jumped out of his grip. "Did you sleep better with the new sheets," Levi asked getting out of bed as well watching Eren put on his robe before walking into the bathroom. "I did sleep a bit better," Eren said from the bathroom.


"Uh... your highness, before you go, this is important to you have a moment," One of the soldiers said as Erwin and Hange stood behind him. Levi quickly glanced at Eren who simply nodded before letting go of his alphas hand. Levi turned back to the three and walked with them. "What is this about," Levi asked watching Erwin and Hange's concerned look. "Shiganshina, the people, they're all dead," the soldier explained glancing over Levi's shoulder at Eren who was having a conversation with Connie a smile on his face. "What?!" Levi shouted making Eren and Connie look up at him. "Everything okay," Eren asked looking at Levi. "Uh yeah sorry," Levi said turning back to the three. "How, what happened," Levi said in complete shock. "We don't know yet, we're thinking they are people who are after Eren," Hange explained stepping forward. "What am I gonna tell him," Levi mumbled placing a hand over his forehead. "Did his parents—," Levi questioned looking back at the three. "His mother was found dead in her home, robe around her neck hanging from the ceiling, they tried to stage a suicide but they found her throat was slit and she had a stab wound in her lower abdomen, Mikasa is nowhere to be found and neither is Grisha," Erwin explained cutting Levi off. "So you're telling me, that Eren's mother is dead, and his father and sister are no where to be found," Levi said clearly panicking with an angry undertone. "Sadly yes," the soldier said looking at Hange and Erwin next to him. "Listen here I don't care how you do it, but find them," Levi growled pulling the soldiers collar.

"Everything okay," Eren asked looking at Levi holding the soldier by his collar growing, Erwin and Hange looking at Eren with sad looks. "What happened," Eren asked watching Levi turn to him. "We can't go, I have some work here," Levi lied trying not to sound to scared or panicked. "Are you sure it can't wait, I really want you to meet my family properly this time," Eren asked grabbing Levi's hands watching Levi avoid his gaze. "What's going on," Eren asked letting his fingers graze Levi's jaw and chin making Levi look at him.

"It's about the districts... more specifically, your district, it was raided last night... everyone is dead, including your mother, your dad and sister are missing and possibly are the only two survivors from the massacre," Levi mumbled. He watched Eren's face drop his hands move away from Levi's chin. "They're dead," Eren mumbled under his breath taking a step back looking at Erwin and Hange nod. "Love I'm so—," the alpha tried to place a hand on his cheek to comfort him. "Let go of me," Eren said slapping Levi's hand away and walking off.

"Levi," Eren asked wiping a tear from his cheek. "I—," Levi mumbled looking at Eren still in the same spot but with a worried look on his face. "I'm really sorry, but I have to stay," Levi said under his breath. "That's okay," Eren said a soft smile on his face before pulling Levi in for a hug. Levi hugged back holding onto the omega for dear life. "I'm so sorry, please don't leave," Levi mumbled hurrying his head into the crook of his neck taking in his scent. "Of course not, Levi what's gotten into you," Eren asked pulling away again. "I'm sorry," Levi simply said before Hange stepped in. "We have some work to do, I promise he'll be back soon," Hange said to placing a hand on Levi's shoulder before pulling him away. "That's okay," Eren placed a quick kiss on his cheek before turning to Connie again.

"I found an angel," Levi mumbled looking over his shoulder at Eren.

I'm sorry for the late upload. Things have been very chaotic lately.



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