Ch. 28 - Loving Two People

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Selena's POV;

Demi and I sit in my room studying for a science test. “How did our Solar System form?” Demi asks me. I stare out the window unaware of Demi. I watch the falling snow, it lands on trees and the grass. “Hello! Selena!” Demi shouts getting my attention. I focus back on her. “Sorry,” I say. Demi repeats the question. I tap my pencil against my notebook. “Our solar system formed by...uh...” I look around the room searching for the answer. “Okay...Let's try a different question. What are the three different types of galaxies?” Demi asks.

“I think I love Damon,” I blurt out. “What? I thought you loved Justin?” Demi asks with a confused expression. “I don't know. I mean, Justin is always there for me and he treats me right but there is just something about Damon that won't let me let go of him,” I explain. “It's possible to love two people at the same time....But it's not possible to be with two people at the same time. You'll always going to love one person just a little bit more than the other. You just have to figure out who that person is,” Demi says. “I don't know who I love more, but even if I did love Justin more, I could never be with him.”

Rachel's POV;

I look in the mirror and examen my bruises from dinner with Ryan's family. I pull my shirt up just enough to see my stomach. I study the serval purple bruises. I feel ice cold hands wrap around my waist. I pull my shirt back down and see Ryan's reflection in the mirror. “I'm so sorry,” Ryan says. “It's not your fault,” I say. “But I should have had you meet him,” he explains. I turn around to face him. “I'm glad I met them,” I say. “We get through this, together,” I say as I hug Ryan.

Justin's POV;

I get up from my bed and look across the hall to see Miley's room, still untouched. I walk over to her room. Her bed still isn't made and everything where she left it. I sigh and leave her room. I walk down the stairs to see my mom smoking. “One year since her death,” she says. I put on my shoes and jacket. I leave the house. The snow goes up to my ankles. The wind and snow blow against me as I walk. I walk until I reach my destination, the cemetery.

I walk through the old gates and go to the very back. I stop at her grave. A girl with long blonde hair is sitting in front of her grave, starring at it. “Hi,” I say softly. The girl turns around suddenly. “Hi,” she says shyly. She looks about fifth teen years old. “How did you know Miley?” I ask her. “She was my best friend,” she says as she stands up. “She was my sister,” I say. “I'm so sorry,” she says. “Do you know why she...” I trail off as tears come to my eyes. “No, she was always so happy. During the last months of her life, she barley talked to me. It was wired, like she didn't have time for me anymore,” the girl explains as tears fall from her eyes. “What's your name?” I ask her. “I'm Emily,” she says. “Justin,” I say. We sit on the bench and just stare at her grave, unsure of what to say or do.  

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