Ch. 43 - Court

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Demi's POV; 

Tomorrow I go to court against Joe. We still haven't talked since the kiss, neither have Niall and I. I look up as I hear a knock on my door. "Hey," a voice says. I look up to see Niall. "How are you?" I ask him. "Better, I talked to my therapist and I haven't drank since," he explains. "That's good," I say. Niall takes a step closer to me. "You have to choose, its me or him," Niall says as we lock eyes. 

I think deeply. Who do I really want to be with? Joe and I have so much history, but he can so unpredictable at times though. But Niall on the other hand, he's sweet and caring. But he can be a jerk when he drinks. But every time I look at Joe all I can see is that hit and run. I need a fresh start and Joe is not that. "I pick you," I tell him. Niall smiles and we kiss. 

The next day, I get ready for the trail. I get dressed in Niall and I cuddled all last night. We fell asleep watching The Notebook. Niall we sit in the audience at the trail and be by the side the whole way. Niall and I walk hand in hand inside the court house. I kiss his lips before I go to the where I am suppose to sit. 

Joe sit on the other side of the room next to his lawyer. The judge begins the trail. Joe's mom says a speech that gets everyone teary. I am filled with guilt. I step up to the stand ready to day my speech. "On the night of the event, I was not in the right state of mind. The same night of the incident I was rapped. I just wanted to get away from what had happened, I didn't care where I was going or I fast I was driving. It was dark so I couldn't see. But as I made a turn I saw something fly across my windshield. I got out of my car to see what it was. I knew he wouldn't make it. I was so scared and terrified that I just left like nothing happened. I know of the pain I cause the Jonas family to go through and I am so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen."

Tears steam down my face as I make my way back to my seat. It is finally the part of the trail where the judge decides the sentence. I look to the audience and see the people I love, Niall, my dad, Selena, Taylor, and Rachel. "Ms. Lovato, what happened to you that night is horrible but it does not make up for the fact that you took away someone's life. There is no excuse for killing someone. You will be sentenced to 10 years of jail and will be fined $5,000. I hope this time will do you some good." It could be worse but still, I will be in jail until I am 28. Police handcuff me and my friends watch as I am taken away.

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