Ch. 31 - Telling the Truth

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Demi's POV;

It is Christmas eve. My dad is out at a party while I sit at home alone. I sit on the couch watching Spongebob wearing sweatpants and a plain white tshirt. I turn off the TV and get off the couch. I slip on grey uggs and put my jacket on. I open the door and walk to the park. There is about a foot of snow on the ground and it's still snowing. I reach the park and notice someone on the swings. I walk over and sit on the another swing.

“Your not making this easy for me,” a voice says. I look over to see joe on the other swing. You can see his breath in the air. “I know, it's not easy on me either,” I say. “Then why'd you cheat?” he asks. “I didn't.” The words slip out of my mouth before I can take them back. “What?” he asks confused. “I lied, I never cheated on you,” I confess. “So I was crying my eyes out for nothing!” he shouts as he gets out of the swing. “Why'd you lie?” he asks calmly. “Because, it's easier to tell you that than the truth,” I say.

He lifts his head and we lock eyes. “Tell me the truth,” he says. Tears wheal up in my eyes as the memory busts through my mind. “I-I killed your dad,” I say. He looks me dead in the eye and knows I'm not lying. “H-how?” he asks. “It was the end of the school year party, It was late and I just wanted to go home. Something happened at that party that I just wanted to forget. It must have been two in the morning or something. I wasn't paying attention to the road and he just came out of nowhere. He hit my window shield and shattered it. I just left him there, I didn't even check on him. I'm so sorry.”

He can't even look at me. He slowly backs away from me. “I'm sorry, please don't be mad,” I say as I stand up. “You killed my dad and you're telling me not to be mad!” he shouts. I try to get closer to him. “How can I not be mad!” he screams. “Please, I love you. Can't we just go back to being friends?” I ask as I place my hands on his chest. “I can't even look at you and you want me to still be your friend! I don't love you anymore,” he says as he takes my hands off of him. “But, you loved me a minute ago, you can't just change that in a second,” I say. “Everything's changed,” Joe says as he storms off.

I go back over to the swing and sit on it. Tears steam down my face as I stare at the ground. Joe will never forgive me. He hates me. Nothing I do or say will change that. I take out the razor from my packet and slice it across my skin serval times. I watch as my blood drips off my arms and falls onto the white snow.

Taylor's POV;

Taylor is coming home for good today. I drive over to his house and knock on the door. Taylor's mom opens the door. She smiles at me and tells me Taylor is in his room. I walk over to Taylor's room and see him watching TV. “Hey,” I say. Taylor spins his wheelchair around to see me. “Hey,” he says. I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I kiss his lips and smile. Taylor pulls away and looks me in the eye. “A-are you still making yourself throw up?” he asks me. “N-no,” I lie. “I know your lying,” he says. “I'm sorry, it's just I can't stop. It's like it's become a part of me,” I say. “Have you even tried to stop?” he asks. “No,” I say. “If you would try maybe you could stop- for good,” he says.

I stare down at the ground. “Give me your tooth brush,” he says. “What?” I ask confused. “Give me your toothbrush,” he repeats. I take my toothbrush out from my UGG and place it in his hand. He wheels over to the garbage and throws it away. “No more throwing up,” he tells me. I nod and try to smile. But all I can think about is throwing up.

Rachel's POV;

“You can't keep living with your dad,” I say as I lay in Ryan's arm by the fireplace. “I have to, I can't just leave him with my mom,” he says weakly. “Then, you could both leave him. You could live here. There's a guest room and you can stay in my room,” I say. “What would your parents think about that?” he asks. “They'll probably be fine with it, your gonna need to be here to take care of the baby anyway,” I explain. “Fine,” he says.

I kiss Ryan's lips with passion. “I love you,” I tell him. “I love you too,” he says. My phone starts to buzz. I pick it up. “Hello,” I say. “Hi, It's Sandy Cohen,” a voice says. “I was calling to tell you we have a court date scheduled for December 26th.” I smile and hang up the phone. “Who was that?” Ryan asks. “Sandy, we're going to court on December 26th.” Ryan smiles. “Wow, I can't believe we may have our daughter back by New Years,” he says.  

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