Ch. 3 - Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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 Ryan's POV;

I call her one last time then give up. Why doesn't she ever answer my calls anymore? I pace back and forth then decide to go over to her house. I knock on the door. Her dad answers the door. He's on the phone as usual and has me come in. “she's upstairs,” he mouths to me. I run up the stairs. Her door is wide open, she sits on her bed starring at a picture. I step closer and realize she's starring at a picture of her. I just stand their watching her cry over the photograph. I walk over to her and place a hand on her back. She turns to me and smiles through the tears. “i miss him,” she says. “i miss him too,” I say hugging her. “i want to find her,” she says. I'm shocked and my jaw drops. I then pull her closer and nod. “okay, we'll find her,” I say.

Demi's POV;

Selena and I sit by my pool, suntanning. Selena's wearing huge sunglasses and refuses to take them off. “are you okay?” I ask her. “yeah,” she says trying her best to smile. “are you okay?” she asks me. I think of telling her what happened that night but don't. It's easier this way. “yup,” we siting side by side, but yet we feel so far apart. We've known each other since we were born, but yet we feel like strangers.

Justin's POV;

I get ready to pick Selena up from Demi's so we can work on our project. I get in my car and just sit their for a few minutes, letting the memories flow through me. Her laughing in shotgun, her smiling and joking about what a bad driver I was, then the memories of the cold december night comes back to me, rushing to her, but being too late. I sigh and turn the car on and drive to Demi's house. Once I pick her up we decide to work at her house.

I step inside her house and see her mom in the kitchen. She walks over to us and smiles. “long time no see,” she says to me. I try my best to smile. “yeah,” I say. “tell your mom to call me. I haven't spoken to her in forever,” she says. “okay,” I say even through I know she will never call her, she will never call anybody again. I sit in Selena's while she changes out of her bathing suit. I notice a notebook on her desktop. I go over to it and open it. I feel bad but I read her journal entries. Each talks about her amazing new boyfriend, Damon, then I flip the page to a recent one.

It reads; dear journal, last night something strange happened, something that I never thought would happen, happened, my boyfriend, damon, hit me. It was the first time he ever did anything like that. I know it should be simple, your boyfriend hits you, you leave him. But it's not. Not only because it was only the first time but also because I love him even after what he did, I still love him. I haven't told anyone about what happened, not even my best friend. I guess a part of me is hoping as long as I don't say it out loud it's not real, it never happened.

Selena walks in and spots me reading her journal. She runs over and shuts it. “why were you reading my journal?” she asks. “sorry, it's just, just...he hit you?!” I say. Her jaw drops and she sits down on her bed and starts to cry and covers her face with her hands. “i don't know what to do,” she crys. I walk over to her and place my hands over hers and left them from her face. Her makeup is smearing and I can see the black eye he gave her that she covered with makeup. I wipe away a tear and let her cry on my shoulder. “shhh, it'll be okay. Everything will be okay,” I say. But deep down I know everything is not okay, nothing will ever be okay. I then place a piece of hair behind her hair and kiss her forehead.  

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