Ch. 35 - Never Going to Get Over It

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Selena's POV;

"Wait, out here. I'll be right back," I tell Justin as I get out of my car. I walk up the front steps and knock on Demi's door. I wait there a couple of one answers. I lean down and lift up doormat. I grab the spar key and unlock the door. I open up the door to see blood on the floor. I walk over to the family room and see Demi on the couch. Her eyes are closed and she has a bloody razor in her hand. I bring my hands to my cover my mouth. 

"What's taking so long," Justin says as he walks into the family room and spots Demi's body. He walk over to her and studies the wound. "It's bad," he says as he stares at the vertical cut down her arm. He then feels her pulse. "She's still alive," he says. He gets out his cell phone and call 911 while I just sit there, still in shock. I hangs up the phone and walks over to me. He places a hand on my back. "An ambulance is on it's way," he says. I nod as tears fall from my eyes. 

"I know she cut herself but I never thought it was this bad..." I say. "You couldn't have known," he says as he lets me rest my head on his shoulder. The ambulance arrives and we follow them to the hospital. Justin call Demi's dad on our way there. He meets us at the hospital. We all wait anxiously in the waiting room. The doctor walks out. We all stand up and walk over to him. "She's okay, but she will have to stay here on 24 hour suicide watch, you may see her if you like." 

Demi's dad lets Justin and I visit first. Justin holds my hand as we walk into the room. Demi is hooked up to a bunch of machines and her left arm is bandaged up. "Hey," I say softly. "How are you doing?" I ask her. "I tried to kill myself how do think I'm doing," she says. "W-why'd you do it?" I ask her. She looks over to me then to Justin. "I'll let you two talk,"Justin says as he leaves the room. 

"Joe went to the police," she says. "What made you think he wouldn't?" I say. She looks at me shocked by my words. "I'm sorry, it's just you told him you killed his dad and you expect him not to go to the police?" I say. "I don't know what I was thinking, I just wanted it to be over," she says. "My dad saw the news report and said he didn't know who I was anymore. But the thing is I don't even know who I am, so I do I expect my dad to know who I am," she explains. 

"I think it takes losing ourselves to find out who we really are," I tell her. "I mean I totally lost myself when I was with Damon but now that were broken up, I finally found myself," I explain. "I think I was myself when I was with Joe...." she says. "But I'll never get to be with him again," she finishes. I place my hand on hers. "There will be other boys out there, it may seem bad now but you'll get over it," I say. She nods. 

Demi's POV;

Selena leaves the room and my dad enters. "I found a really great institution, for you," he tells me. "I'm not going," I spat. "You could have killed yourself," he says. "Maybe I would have been better off," I shout. "This is why you need help, we'll get you into a institution and get you a lawyer for the case," he says. "I don't need help!" I scream. "Yes you do!" he yells. "I won't do it again, I promise," I say. 

"No, you will do it again!" he says. "No, I won''t!" I shout. Selena enters the room. "Dem, you know I'm your best friend and all I want is what's best for you," she says. I nod. "Can you do something for me?" she asks. "what?" I ask softly. "Get help, hirer a lawyer and beat Damon and Joe's ass in court," she says with a small smile. I nod and agree to getting help.

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