Ch. 5 - Memories

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 Justin's POV;

I wake up next to Selena. I look at me my phone, 2:30am! “Hey,” Selena says sleepily. “Hey, when did I fall asleep?” I ask. “you fell asleep around 10pm in mid sentence!” Selena say laughing. I laugh and climb out of her bed. “I got to go, I'll see you at school,” I say to Selena as she falls back asleep. I creep into my house and spot my mom standing by the counter drinking some wine or beer. “where were you?” she asks. “I was at a friend's and fell asleep,” I say walking over to her. “rachel's?” she asks. “no mom, Selena's. We were just talking and fell asleep. You know we don't have to keep living this way, it's okay to move on, and to tell other people what happened,” I say before walking to my room. “You told Selena?” my mom asks. I turn around and nod. “it felt good to tell someone what we're going through, you should talk to her mom, it'll be good for you,” I say then turn back around and head to my bedroom.

Rachel's POV;


“i love you,” ryan says whispering into my ear. He's behind me and expects me to turn around and kiss him but I don't. “is something wrong?” he asks. I stare at the lake and concentrate on it trying not to think of what I was about to tell him. “i need to tell you something,” I finally say still not facing him. “ okay, what's up?” he asks. “I've spent the entire night trying to avoid this or ignore it but I can't so I just gotta say it,” I pause and still don't turn around. “what is it?” he asks. “I'm pregnant,” I say turning towards him. His eyes are wide with shock. “is that even possible? We-were only 11,” ryan stutters. “yeah, its possible. I got my period at ten,” I say. “have you told anyone other than me?” he asks still shocked. “no, just Selena,” I say. “why'd you tell her?” he asks. “she's my best friend, ryan. She's the one who made me take the pregnancy test and she was their with me when I found out!” I say. “wh-what are you going to do?” he asks. “i don't know, I went to the doctors, and it's too late to a abortion but adoption is still an option,” I say. “how far are you?” he asks. “s-six months,” I strutter. “what?!!? how could you not know?” he asks. “i don't know I just thought I had mono or something,” I say. “do you still love me?” I ask. “of curse I still love you,” ryan says hugging me. “i will always love you, no matter what,” he says.

end of dream/flashback

I wake up crying. I sit up and see Ryan on my chair fast asleep. I don't wake him up. I look at my phone and see a missed call and 3 unread texts messages. The texts are all from Justin. The call is from Sandy Cohen, my lawyer for getting Sydney back. I call him back. “Hey,” Sandy says. “Hey, I saw you called,” I say into my iPhone. “yeah, Child Services is going to come and look at your house and see if your place is a good fit for Sydney,” he says. “when will they be coming?” I ask. “saturday,” he says. I hang up and fall back asleep.

Taylor Swift's POV;

I watch Gossip Girl, first season, thanksgiving episode when I get a text from some person from my school who I barely know. “you know your only on the cheer team cause your preppy. Your the fattest girl in the world,” the text reads. I sigh, I look back up at the TV and see Blair running to the bathroom. I then run to my bathroom and find a toothbrush. I turn on the shower and shove the toothbrush down my throat and throw up, washing it down the drain. I smile and try again.

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