Ch. 2 - New Beginings

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 Selena's POV;

I sit in my third hour class, Science. “For your first assignment, you will be put into groups of two,” the teacher, Mr. Finneran says. “Ryan and Rachel, Demi and Chaz, Justin and Selena,” Justin looks over to me and weaves. Justin and I use to be best friends in middle school, but then in our first year of high school he just stopped talking to me, not even a “hi” or a weave in the hallway. Were neighbors, been neighbors since we were little. Our parents are friends but they haven't talked for like ten months now. My mom's worried about justin's mom Pattie, its not like her to just completely stop talking to her best friend and pull Justin and his sister, Miley out of school for 6-7 months. I haven't seen Miley all summer or at school today or anywhere really. I've seen Justin around but not his sister. Miley would be going into her soft-more year. Justin and I make plans to have me come to his place after school, since my mom's repainting my room

We walk to Justin's house. I'm surprised he didn't drive to school. When we reach his house, his mom's car in the driveway. Normally his mom works on weekdays. “your mom's not working?” I ask. “nope, she stopped working a while ago,” Justin says. “like last year?” I ask. “yeah, ten months ago,” he says. It seems like everything happened ten months ago, justin and Miley despairing from school for ten months, justin's mom stopped working, and when Justin's mom stopped talking to my mom.

We walk inside and head upstairs, the house is quiet. I remember when I was last here, when Justin and I were 8th graders and Miley was in 5th grade. The house was loud and happy, now the house was quiet and dark. I notice Miley's room is untouched, like she hasn't been there in months. “where's Miley?” I ask. Justin stares down at the ground, not daring to look up.

Justin's POV;

I try to think of something believable cause it's easier this way, easier not having to explain why I missed 10 months of school, why my mom doesn't work or talk to her friends anymore or way my sister doesn't live anymore. I also deep down think as long as I don't say it out loud it's not true. “She's staying with my dad,” I say. “like moved in with him?” she asks. I nod. “we should start on the project,”I say in a weak voice.

Selena's POV;

I leave Justin's house and spot Damon's car in my driveway. I walk over to his car and get inside. “why were you there?” he asks. “were just doing a project together for Finneran,” I say. “What took you so long? I here for hours?” he yells. His face is dark like Justin's house. I look into his eyes only seeing blackness. Fright comes over me and I'm scared to death as Damon's hand nears my face and in the blink of a eye his hand has punched my eye, hard. I cover my eye with my hand and try my best not to cry.Damon doesn't say anything to me for about the punch for the rest of the night and we go on our date like nothing happened.When we get back from our date I rush into the bathroom. I have a big puffy black eye! I put come makeup on it and make it invisible and try to forget what happened.

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