Ch. 46 - The Bruise On Her Heart

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Selena's POV;

I sit along side of Damon's other victims, Scarlett Adams, Lucy Hale, and Ashley Tisdale. Justin, Rachel and Ryan sit behind us. Damon sits on the other side sitting by hid lawyer. Damon has already pleaded guilty. Today is just the sentencing. Damon's lawyer takes the stand. He gives a speech on how Damon has a hard home life and tells the positives of Damon. The prosecutor then takes the stand. 

"Damon is being charged with both assault and battery and sexual assault. The max sentence for assault and battery in the state of Michigan is 93 days in jail and a fine of $500. The max sentence for sexual assault is 20 years in jail and up to $15,000 in fines." the prosecutor finishes his speech and the judge asks if any of Damon's victims have any thing to say. Lucy steps up the stand.

"I met Damon back in July at a high school party. Damon came on to me and suggested we go upstairs to talk. That isn't what happened...July might seem a while ago but I have not forgotten a single detail from that night. That night changed my life forever. I went from a 4.0 to a 2.0. This event will stick with me for the rest of my life. I will never forget nor forgive what Damon did." Lucy steps down from the stand, and I take her place. 

"Last summer, I started dating Damon. At first, he was the perfect boyfriend, brought me flowers, showed up on time, and made me feel like a princess. Then in September when school started things changed. Things grew tense between us, we would get into fights almost everyday then make up within an hour. One day, Damon hit me across the face in his car. I should of just broke up with him then but I didn't. I thought it was a one time thing. Then it happened again and again. Eventually it got to the point where I knew it wasn't going to stop. But yet I stayed with him because I was afraid of he might kill me. I ended up the hospital couple of times because of how bad the beating got. One day I just couldn't take it anymore and I fought back. I pushed Damon off me and told him it was over. It's been a couple months since then and I'm still recovering. The physical bruises may have faded away but the bruise on my heart will always be there."

I take my seat and the judge looks through her papers. She then makes her decision. "Damon, you will be sentenced to the max for assault and battery, plus the max for sexual assault. That a total of 20 years and 93 days in jail. You willed be fined $500 for assault and battery, $15,000 for sexual assault, $200 for the lawyer and another $300 for the court. Thats a total of $16,000. I hope your time jail will do you some good. What you did is unacceptable. You pretty much ruined these three ladies lives. They now live in fear because of you." 

The police come in and put handcuffs on Damon. I watch as the police take him away. We then all raise and are dismissed. I go over to Justin and hug him. "He's gone now, your safe now," Justin tells me. I nod and kiss his lips. "Thank you for being there for me through this whole thing," I tell him. "I'll always be here for you no matter what," he tells me.

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