Ch. 48 - Saying Goodbye

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Justin's POV;

We never had a funeral for Miley. So my mom and I decided that we would have a funeral at the beach where Miley took her life. No wearing black, there will be no body, no regular depressing funeral. We will send a casket of Miley's stuff and stuff people put in the casket into the ocean and have some closure. I get dressed in white shorts and a purple shirt. The door bell rings and I open the door to reveal Selena.

Selena wears She look so beautiful. She holds flowers for my mom and me. She hugs me then kisses my lips. “Are you almost ready?” I yell at my mom. “One minute,” she tells me. I go into my mom's bedroom. She has on a blue dress. She is looking at a photo of Miley, my mom and I. “You okay?” I ask her. She shakes her head. “I miss her so much,” she says. I pull her into a hug.

Selena walks into the room. We pull back from the hug. “I got these for you,” Selena tells my mom. My mom smiles and takes the flowers. “Thank you,” she says. “We should get going,” I tell them. I take Selena's hand and we go to the beach. We set up a aisle of polls with flowers around them. At the end of the aisle is the box that will put in the ocean. My dad walks over to my mom and hugs her. They talk for a few moments.

Ryan and Rachel arrive. Rachel wears Ryan walks over to me and we hug. Rachel and Selena hug. My dad works over to us. He has tears in his eyes. I hug him. We pull back from the hug and he looks to Selena. “Dad, this is my girlfriend, Selena,” I say. My dad smiles and shake Selena's hand.

Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are the next to arrive. Taylor Swift is pushing Taylor Lautner's wheelchair. Taylor Swift wears The doctors let her out to visit just for the funeral. Last to arrive is Emily Osment, Miley's best friend. She wears We start the funeral. The song 'If I Die Young' by The Perry Band starts to play.

The song has a tremendous effect on everyone. One by one, everyone starts to cry. After the song ends, a preacher gives a speech. I then go up to the front and give a speech. “Miley and I were very close. She was my little sister. Though we got into fights every now and then, we loved each other. I may know Miley's reason to why she did this but I don't truly understand how she could just leave us like this. Her story is one that should be shared, so I will be putting a copy of Miley's diary into the casket. Miley, I miss you and I will always love you.”

I go back over to my spot. Then everyone one by one goes up to the casket and puts something in it. Most put flowers or photos in, Emily puts a 'best friend' bracelet Miley gave her. When every one has put their item in the casket, two guys carry the casket to the water and send it away. I watch as the casket floats out of sight. Later that I day I go to the libery and place a copy of Miley's diary on the shelf. Before I put the diary in there, I write in it myself. I write; Dear whoever reads this,

This was my sister's diary. She was only 15 when she killed herself. I wanted to share her story with all of you so that you don't make the same mistake she did. Life always gets better, no matter how bad it seems. People care and love you, remember that. I ask that when you are done reading this that you pass this on to someone else and keep the chain going.


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