Ch. 38 - Regrets, Flashbacks, and Moving On

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Ryan's POV;

 I arrive home from Rachel's house late. I sneak into the house and hear yelling. Once again, my parents are fighting. I don't understand why my mom can't just leave my dad. I lean against the door and listen it on the fight. My mom is yelling at him for not coming home a couple days ago. He keeps repeating that he was at work but we both know that's not the truth. My mom accuses him of cheating on her and my dad goes off. He yells and slaps her. 

 I run into the room and push him off my mom. "Leave her alone!" I scream. "Who do you think you are?" he asks me as he starts to beat me. I manage to win in this battle. "Don't come back!" I yell as he races out of the house but I know him too well to know he will come back. He always does. No matter how bad it gets, he always does. I use to think that was a good thing but I don't want him coming back anymore. I want him out of my life. 

Justin's POV;

 I open my eyes to see Selena in my arms. We must have fell asleep watching a movie. I carefully get off my bed without waking her up. I stare across the hall to Miley's old room. I get a mantas of memories as I stare at her room. Her playing with her babies when she was six. Her talking with her friends. Her playing the piano in her room. Her dancing to music on her bed. Her getting ready for Homecoming. Her and I fighting. Her running out of the house and killing herself. 

 I shake my head as the memories disappear. I feel tears on my checks. I walk across the hall and enter her room. Everything is still where she left it. I can feel her presence in the room. Everything has her name written on it. Every little thing reminds me of her. If only I could go back in time and tell her how much I loved her, tell her things will get better, tell her there is another way, tell her not to kill herself. So many things to tell her, yet no way of telling her. 

 I fall onto my knees and wrap my arms around my knees. I burry my head into my legs and lets all the tears fall. I feel Selena's hand touch my shoulder. "You okay?" she asks. "Yeah, I'll be okay. Go back to bed," I tell her. She nods and goes back to my room. I continue to cry into my knees. I want to scream but I don't make a sound. I'm always going to miss her no matter how much time goes on. I'll always have regrets. But I won't always dwell on the past. I have to...I need to move on. 

 I get up from the floor and leave her room. I go back to my bed and lay back beside Selena. In the morning I will pack up Miley's things and start to move on. It's what I have to do. I can't keep living in the past. Life goes on no matter what happens and you have to move on. It doesn't mean I'll forget what happened, I will always remember, but I will no longer let it define and destroy me, but I will let it strengthen me.

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