Chapter eight

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*♡  Ellie ♡*

I chew my fingernails like an anxious beaver. I have been on edge all morning. Tex is somewhere on the premises, but I haven't seen him yet. He's at Frank's side and I'm with Maggie. However, we're moments away from the ceremony to begin, which means that I'll have to stand only a few feet away from him. Will he be able to behave himself for Frank and Maggie's sake? More importantly, will I be able to control myself?

There's definitely anger itching under my skin, but there's also something else. Painful longing. I resent myself for feeling it. I hate how my heart yearns for his proximity.

"Are you okay? Those nails can't take much more."

I blink and look at Maggie. Her neatly plucked brows are pinched together with worry, so I conjure my most convincing smile. "I'm pretty sure I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that."

A chuckle leaves her full cherry-red lips. "I'm a bit nervous, to be honest."

I tilt my head. Maggie is not one to get nervous. "About getting married? I thought you were sure. You know, since you proposed to him."

She pulls the lace gloves up her wrists. "No, I'm sure about Frank. Walking down the aisle is what scares me. Everybody will be watching me. What if I trip and fall?"

I place my hands on her shoulders and give a comforting squeeze. "Don't worry. Once you walk up to him, everyone will disappear and it will be just the two of you." My chest tightens with the memory of my own wedding day.

Don't let it get you.

Not now!

I swallow back the pain and link my arm with hers. "It's time to make a decent woman out of you."

"You know I'll never be a decent woman." She winks and then walks up to the end of the grand hall with me, into the marble-floored foyer. Another inspective glance at my tight features causes her to smile with pity. "If it's too much, you can still back out. I'll understand."

"Again," I emphasize, taking the darling bouquet from the antique side table and handing it to her, "I should be the one saying that."

She pulls me in for a supportive hug. "We can do this. You and I are tougher than Salt Water Taffy!"

Weak like a wafer is more like it.

"You're right." I shove my own emotions to the back and focus on my best friend, holding her at arm's length. "Can you believe it? You're going to be a married woman in only a couple of minutes."

"I know, it's crazy!" We jump up and down, clapping our hands and giggling like two pre-teens at a K-pop concert.

"I have to go take my place now," I say, opening the door. "See you in a bit. And remember, eyes on the groom and everything will be all right."

When she gives me a determined nod, I quickly walk down the aisle and position myself next to the bridesmaids. The two girls are Maggie's cousins. They are talking to each other in hushed tones, so I just stare at the timber floor. The ceremony is held at the front side of the mansion. A meandering path leads to a round gazebo. It reminds me of—

"He's not here yet," Frank says, interrupting my unsolicited trip down memory lane.

I raise my eyes. He looks absolutely dashing in that black and white pinstripe suit. In a strange way, it reminds me of Beetlejuice. "Oh, okay. He will be here, though. Won't he?" That sounded way too desperate, so I add, "I mean, to stand next to you as your best man."

Frank nods. "Yeah, he will. In fact ... " He glances over my head. "He's coming right now."

It wasn't necessary for him to say, I already felt it. Goosebumps prickle my skin and my heart trips over its own beat. The air carries his scent as he walks past me from behind. He smells like sex. There's no other way to describe it. It's manly like burning wood and it floods my senses. It always does. With all my might, I keep my focus on the ground, but, unwillingly, I lift my gaze. Thankfully, I manage to stop myself at his hands. He has them folded in front of him, clenching nervously.

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