Chapter thirty-seven

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•★ Tex ★•

Ellie steps into the living room and leans against the door frame. "What are you doing?"

Crossed-legged on the floor, I drill another screw into the wood. "Fortifying the baby prison. We can't have a breakout."

She rolls her eyes, but I know she's amused. "You can't call it a prison."

"Sure I can. Isn't it meant to confine the kid within these bars?"

"I guess so but—"

"Sounds like imprisonment to me."

Got you there, Birdie.

She sighs in defeat and walks up to me. "Anyway, time is ticking and we haven't decided on baby names yet. Have you thought about it?"

"I have." Just to annoy her a little, I continue with my work.

Impatiently as hell, she taps her foot. "And what did you come up with?"

I decide to give her some slack. Don't wanna annoy her into an actual frenzy. That shit is scary. "Since I always call you Birdie, I thought of something along those lines."

Her beaming smile lights up the room. "Don't keep me waiting! I want to know."

I put the drill down and give her my full attention. I'm actually a little nervous. "I looked up some options online, but I have to warn you, birds have weird names." With her eyes, she urges me to continue. "So, either Robin—" Her smile widens. Thank fuck. "—or Great Tit."

With a sly grin, I dodge the pillow she throws my way. "I warned you."

"You're lucky I love you." She laughs and sits down on the armrest of the couch. "I do like Robin for a girl. How about, if it's a boy, we name him after you?"

"Fuck no! Tex is a dumb name."

Her face does that what-the-fuck thing. "Then why did you call yourself that?"

"I didn't," I tell her, shrugging away past memories. "I was uncomfortable using my own name, so people called me Texas and then shortened it to Tex. I suppose it stuck."

She nods slowly. "Well, I meant your real name. Maybe Tony or Andy?"

I lean back on my hands and think about it. It doesn't sound too bad. Besides, I have no idea myself. My dad would be proud as well. "That's fucking great, actually."

A playful smile appears, but the way she twists a curl around her finger while peeking at me tells me I'm in some sorta trouble. "You know, at some point you have to start watching your language."

The fuck?

So this is how the whole damn town of Whoville feels when the Grinch steals Christmas. She can't be serious. I choose my curse words very carefully. "I'm just gonna pretend you didn't say that."

She practices a stern face. The one a mother would make. "We can't have a little kid running around who's bad-mouthing everyone."

"That's gonna happen anyway. Believe me, that shit is my DNA. That kid is gonna come out screaming and swearing."

I can imagine it. Some sweet-looking, tiny redhead with a big yellow ribbon in her hair telling Roy to fuck off. That would be something. I probably shouldn't let Ellie know how amused I am, but the laugh that erupts is unstoppable.

Her lips press together as if to hold back a laugh of her own. Once I'm done, she casually studies her nails. "You seem to forget that my DNA is involved as well. I'm not vulgar like you are."

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