Epilogue Two

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*♡  Ellie ♡*

After wrapping myself in my silk robe and brushing my teeth, I peek into the girl's bedroom. As expected, Tex lies on his back with a girl in each arm and an open book on his stomach. My heart swells at the sight of my tough, tattooed husband, holding our daughters in such a sweet yet protective way. They're breathing peacefully while their little cheeks rest on his chest.

I fight the urge to crawl next to them and head downstairs to make breakfast. They're a hungry bunch, after all. After picking up some of my camera equipment from the floor—before Tex complains about almost breaking his neck—I glance at the calendar on the refrigerator.

Lunch with Maggie and Jonathan before we go see the reveal of Aaron's new artwork on Tuesday, parent-teacher meeting on Wednesday, and on Thursday a whole day of shooting photos for the album cover of a new band that signed with the label.

What am I forgetting?

Oh, right. I have to convince Tex to undergo a prostate exam. He countered that the guidelines say men should get one from the age of fifty, but what's the harm in being extra careful? I mean, I had to do a Pap smear when I turned thirty. Seems only fair to have a doctor prod him a little. Sex-bribes it is.

I shrug and collect the pancake ingredients from the cupboard and fridge. While searching the drawer for a whisker, I hear my favorite sound; little feet tapping on the tiles of the kitchen floor.


Since my back is facing them, it's hard to know which one of my girls called for me. They sound exactly the same.

Birds of a feather.

I turn around and squat down. "Give Mommy a hug."

Their tiny arms fly around my neck and I wrap mine around the both of them. I love these easy Sunday mornings.

Toni beams a grin. "Daddy said a bad word."

"I'm sure he did." I stifle a laugh and kiss both their foreheads. "Where's Daddy now?"

"Don't call me that." Tex gives me a playful scowl, leaning against the doorframe. Such a liar, he has grown as fond of that title as I have.

Robin pulls on my arm. "Can we play in the yard, Mommy?"

I kiss both their cheeks before letting them go. "Sure, but breakfast will be ready in ten."

While they race to the French doors, I stand up and continue putting the dry ingredients in a bowl. Tex moves around, grabbing a pair of mugs and filling the coffeemaker with roasted beans.

Counting teaspoons is difficult when your eyes keep glancing at a man who's clothed in nothing but shorts. To be honest, last night left me a little frustrated. Sex became less frequent after we got the girls but when we do ... magical fireworks.

I crack an egg and smile. Someday far, far away, people will talk about that handsome old-timer who's scaring children off his lawn. And I'll be right there, proudly exclaiming to each and every one of them what a wonderful man he is.

After pouring us a coffee, he walks my way and kisses the corner of my mouth. "What were you smiling about?"

Happy love.

"Nothing, just some silly thoughts." His caressing fingers on the small of my back make it impossible to focus, so I turn to him. "You didn't come back last night."

"I know." A dramatic sigh leaves his lips. "Will I ever get a second of rest?"

"Sure, in about ten years."

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