Chapter thirty-three

389 61 47

•★ Tex ★•

I'm skipping over double fucking rainbows, tossing daisies around like a goddamn flower girl. Not literally, of course. Fuck, I have to remain a little tough at least. I'm just so fucking happy. My girl came back to me and brought me a precious gift. A kid that I already love more than anything in this world. Okay, it's a tie with Ellie, but that's an honorable place.



She side-glances me, pretending to look at her laptop. "Were you just humming Walking On Sunshine?"

Fuck ... "Of course not. It was some Slayer song."

Nice save.

I ignore her disagreeing chuckle and finish putting away the groceries that she left on the counter. Since she almost made me barf by calling me cutie patootie, I place her Pop-Tarts on the highest shelf. That will teach her.

Disgusting as her name calling may be, I'm glad we're back to our normal. For now, at least. We're only a few months away from becoming parents. Things will definitely change then, but for the better. No doubt about it.

Two slim arms suddenly wrap around me from behind, and a precious belly presses against my back. Her tight embrace warms my entire body, bringing tears to my eyes.


If my testosterone levels drop any lower, I might start lactating. I quickly turn and kiss her hard. She's responsive, as always. Her tongue searches mine immediately and her hands fist my shirt.

Fuck yeah.

My dick stirs to life in an instant. Fantastic fucking news. I'm still me. Always but a kiss away from having a hard-on. I run my hands down her back and grab her sweet, peach-like ass.

I would love to just throw her over my shoulder and take her upstairs, but that's kinda hard to do now that she's pregnant. Besides, the idea of poking my kid's eye out is screwing with my head. Not that my dick is affected by that notion in the slightest.

I'll just make her cum. When we both reach for each other's pants at the same time, she chuckles. "What are you doing?"

I shrug innocently. "I was about to give you head. What are you doing?"

Misbehavior flickers in her eyes. "Same."

We could bicker over the right to go first, but she's already rubbing my dick through my jeans. I grip the kitchen countertop behind me with both hands and draw deep, groany breaths.

"Take off your pants," she orders teasingly while her lips tingle my earlobe.

A shudder of dirty anticipation runs down my spine. However, when I pull my jeans and boxers to my knees, she walks away.

The fuck?

Is she leaving me here with my dick out as a joke? Pretty sure it's not April fools. "Where are you going?"

She winks over her shoulder. "Closing the shutters, or did you want an audience?"


Other people exist as well. Once the kitchen is shut off from peeking pedestrians' eyes, she steps in front of me and pushes me against the counter. Moans come from the back of her throat as she pumps my dick.

Or am I making that sound?

She struggles a bit to get to her knees. "Lend me a hand?"

If nothing else, I'm a perfect fucking gentleman, so I support her by the elbows while she lowers herself. Maybe this is too much, though. I mean, she's pregnant after all. My selfish desires can wait. "You know you don't have to do this, right?"

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