Chapter twenty-six

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

I'm in love—still and always. There's no point in trying to deny it. I thought I would need more time, more dates, and more wooing before I could make a decision. The simple fact is ... I don't.

I'm tired of feeling angry. I'm tired of pretending to hate him when in reality, I love him. Maybe I'm weak. Maybe I'm strong. It doesn't matter. Life without Tex is an impossibility. I'm ready to move past all that has happened and continue with our life.

A new life. One that neither of us had foreseen. Certainly not right now. However, I'm pregnant and in only a few months, we will become a family. I want that more than anything. I want him more than anything. There's no reason to keep him at bay any longer. He's been remorseful. There's no doubt in my mind that he regrets his slip up. I will never understand, but neither will he. It pains him as much as it does me. I'm sure of that.

I hum a lovely tune while I make myself ready for bed. My lonely nights are finally coming to an end. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again, next to the man I love. Among other things ... My cheeks flush with the memory of our little make out session at the theater yesterday. He didn't come up to my apartment when he brought me home. He said there was no way he was going to be able to stick to first base if he did that, so he kissed me goodbye on the doorstep and then quickly left. It was adorable and I was pretty tired, so I didn't drag him inside.

Stupid decision.

I check the clock on my phone. It's late in the evening. Is he asleep? Only one way to find out.

When I press speed dial, he answers immediately. "Hey, Birdie, missin' me already?"

He said it jokingly, but I caught the nervous edge in his voice. To comfort him, I try to sound as happy as possible. Well, I don't really have to try. I am happy. "Yes, I miss you terribly, but I was calling to see if we can meet up tomorrow."

"Yeah, of course, I can come over in the evening."

I'm not hiding us under the cover of darkness any longer ... "How about tomorrow around noon?"

"I actually have a thing then," he says, sounding a little sad, "but I'm free later in the afternoon. Does that work for you?"

Crab cakes.

I have an appointment with an urban magazine. "I have a work meeting at three. Maybe the day after? I really want to see you when the sun is still up."

He must understand that I'm referring to his own words. I'm more than ready to face him in the broad daylight again.

His breath quickens. "Yeah—okay, but I don't wanna wait another day. Can't we do an early dinner? Pretty sure the sun is still up then."

"Perfect! I can make those steam buns you like." I put him on speakerphone while I change into my pajamas and slip under the comforter.

"Absolutely not! You're pregnant, you better be with your feet on the table when I arrive."

I hear some muffled sounds coming from his side. Is he undressing himself? I scrape my throat. One more night. "All right, just bring some take-out on your way."

"Will do." We both stay silent for a moment. Not sure what to say, but unwilling to end the conversation. He speaks before I do. "What have you been up to today?"

I make myself comfortable against the headboard and place my hand on my baby bump. Happiness is just around the corner. I can feel it tingling my senses. "Nothing much; yelling at inconsiderate drivers, crying over spilled tea. The usual."

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