Chapter twenty

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

Jonathan and Maggie helped me move. It hasn't been exactly a fun day. I guess, me moving to a small two-bedroom apartment because I'm getting divorced doesn't really call for a celebration.

I don't like this apartment at all, but it was the best I could do on such short notice. There's nothing homey about this place. The wallpaper is at least two generations old and there are undefinable stains on the carpet. Thankfully, it's fully furnished—outdated and a little worn. I had to buy some new things, though. Plates, cutlery and whatnot.

Maggie told me at least a hundred times that I could stay with her and Frank a little longer, but that doesn't feel right. The newlyweds need privacy, not a moody roommate. Besides, this is all part of me moving on. It's time to accept the ending of our broken fairytale.

After bringing up the last boxes, we all sit down on the dusty couch and lean back. I'm not showing yet, but I will before long. I have to tell them tonight.

"Wine?" Maggie asks while she fishes a bottle from her bag. Jonathan already grabbed three mugs from the box he's holding.

I shake my head. "No, thanks."

Both of them raise an eyebrow but refrain from comment. Jonathan looks at me from the corner of his eye. "Did you know Tex was in the paper?"

The paper?

Seemingly uninterested, I shrug my shoulders. "What has he done? Insult a police officer? Stole candy from a baby?"

Jonathan chuckles, but Maggie responds with a tone that sounds almost defensive. "It was quite noble actually."

Noble? I throw my hands up. "Fine, humor me. What honorable act has he gifted upon our community."

"Here." Jonathan takes a piece of paper from his pocket. "I cut out the article in case you hadn't seen it."

I eye them both. I'm pretty sure they're yanking my chains, but they seem oddly serious. I shake it off and read the snippet.

"A concerned citizen—none other than frontman Tex of the relatively well-known band Dead Engines Running—took it upon himself to make his neighborhood a little safer by filing a complaint with the Los Angeles Department of Public Works. According to the department's official website, speed bumps will be placed on Ocean Avenue. The unsafe road conditions have been a concern of the local elementary school for many years. Even though Tex was unwilling to participate in an interview, we did manage to ask him a question. When asked how he made this happen, he simply replied, 'I kindly asked if they wanted the names of the full commission to be mentioned in the obituary, or just the name of the president. You know, in case one of those kids gets hit by a speeding car.'"

He did what now? I'm sure I haven't blinked for a full minute. Why would he go through so much trouble? Is this his plan of winning me back? I don't get it. He didn't tell me. In fact, he already signed the divorce papers.

"Ellie? Are you still with us?"

I blink a couple times and then look up to Maggie. "Yes, I'm fine. A little confused is all."

She nods. "That makes two of us—"

"Three," Jonathan interjects.

"Three," Maggie agrees. "It's so unlike him to do something like this. I asked Frank if he knew, but he said that Tex hasn't spoken a word about it."

Here we go.

"I think I do." They both wait for me to continue, so I clear my throat. "I don't completely understand, but it might have something to do with the fact that I'm ... pregnant."

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