Chapter forty

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

Tex plants a kiss on my temple before opening the front door. My mother comes running my way when I step inside, hugging me gently yet firmly. "Oh, Ellie! It's good to see some color on your face. How are you feeling?"

I automatically place my hand on my burning wound. "The pain is ... bearable, but otherwise I'm good. Really good, actually."

Tex rubs the small of my back, smiling while my mother takes both my hands in hers. Her whole face lights up when she speaks. "I can't tell you enough how delightful your babies are. I'm the proudest grandmother to have ever lived. You got everything you ever wanted, my dear."

Truer words have never been spoken.

I hold one of her hands and slip my other in Tex'. "I really do, Mom. Also, I want to thank you for staying here to help us out. I know Los Angeles is a long way from Faroaks."

She waves my gratitude off. "Nonsense. That's what motherhood is all about, being there for your children when they need it. True, the distance isn't always easy, but assisting my daughter and son-in-law during their first days of being parents is no trouble at all. Actually, I feel blessed to be part of it."

I kiss her cheek. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too. Both of you. Now, go have some quality time with your family. I'll run some errands and get dinner started."

While she grabs her leather purse and slides on her white Chesterfield coat, Tex leads me up the stairs. I can't do better than a snail's pace, though.

Tex doesn't seem to mind. While I huff and puff with every step, he holds me close, sporting a bit of a weird grin. "Can we keep your mom? She's a great cook and she keeps a very clean house. It was a sad day for the dust bunnies, though. They didn't survive the brutal vacuum massacre." He shakes his head sorrowfully. "Not a single one left to tell the tale."

I pause and observe his silly semi-serious face. Laughter bubbles up, forcing me to grip the railing to keep myself from doubling over. "Don't make me laugh! That hurts."

He snickers too. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd actually laugh. It was pretty lame. Then again, you're pretty lame yourself."

I open the door to the baby room, sticking my tongue out to him. "It takes one to know one."

He winks and leads me to the rocking chair in front of the bay window. "Hold on a sec." He grabs a big throw pillow and places it on the seat. "This should be more comfortable for you to sit."

I nod and let him lower me onto the soft seat. While he holds my waist, I cling to his shoulders for support. Moving around like this hurts a lot, but I can manage it. I simply have to.

This won't be the first time I'll be holding my babies but it feels like it. Last time I was still dazed with pain medication. Tex was so sweet and supportive in the hospital, so incredibly grateful to have all of us. I was too. I really was, yet my brain was jumbled with guilt and failure. I couldn't even feed my girls myself because of the pills. Thankfully, I'm off those. They made it so hard to focus on the right things.

My mind is clear now. Although, maybe not? Tex bares his torso, casually pulling his shirt over his head. The fiery sting across my stomach reminds me that sex won't be an option any time soon, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate my husband's incredible body. I'm not complaining. Still, what is he doing? "Any particular reason you're shirtless all of a sudden?"

He takes out two bottles from the bottle-warmer that's on the commode. "Oh, yeah, they like the sound of heartbeats. It reminds them of being in the womb."

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