Chapter twelve

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

Purple broccoli?

Sure, the world has been a strange place ever since Tex' betrayal six weeks ago, but really? Purple vegetables? I can't help but chuckle. Tex would have ranted about the downside of consumerism before finding out it's most likely simply a natural occurrence.

"Not a fan of purple greens?"

The man next to me eyes me with amusement. I put the head back in the crate. "I could do with a little normalcy in my life, to be honest."

He chuckles and hands me a regular green head of broccoli. "When you find it, let me know. I could use some normalcy as well."

I laugh politely and throw the vegetable in my basket, expecting him to move along. He doesn't. His eyes remain curiously fixed on mine. "What are you making with that?" He nods at my basket.

"I don't know yet." The garbage bag filled with take-out boxes comes to mind. "Something healthy, a stir-fry maybe."

The smile on his face falls a little when he observes my hand. "I'm sure your husband will love it."

Not sure why, I pull the sleeve of my jacket over my fingers to hide my wedding ring. It's not that I want to seem available. It's just a confusing piece of jewelry, as if the cracks in our marriage somehow shine through it. "We're not—I mean, things are uncertain at the moment."

"I'm sorry." He raises both hands, showing the uncalloused palms. "I didn't mean to overstep."

"Don't worry. It's just that ... " I look down, trying to find the right words. "Once you realize that broccoli can also be purple, can you ever trust a green one again? What if I open the fridge tomorrow and the darn vegetable has changed color? That kind of deceit is hard to live with."

Oh boy, I'm being weird.

He runs a hand through his chestnut-colored hair and leaves it there while he laughs, sliding his glasses up the bridge of nose with the other. "Well, um ... " His eyes encourage me to say my name.

"Elizabeth," I inform him kindly, "but most people call me Ellie."

"Well, Ellie," he continues, smiling as if he likes the sound of it, "I'm not sure that I fully understood that strange metaphor, but I think I got the gist."

"Really?" I scratch the back of my head like Tex does when he feels awkward.

He shakes his head again and smiles before moving over to another aisle. With reddened cheeks, I quickly head the other way. I handled that very poorly. What am I even doing? Saying weird things to an unfamiliar man.

I throw all the items I need in my basket, including a stash of Pop-Tarts, a box of Rice Krispies, two packs of Golden Oreo's, and a tin of sugar cookies. That should last a day or two. Since Maggie and Frank don't own a toaster, I grab one on the way to the register. Microwaved Pop-Tarts are simply not as good as toasted ones.

I don't like doing groceries, especially not for my lonely self. At least with Tex it was fun. I even miss his stupid melon jokes. He made them every time, and I mean e-ve-ry time. I can hear his voice so clearly in my head ... "Ma'am, I need you to come with me for a frisk-search. It seems you're smuggling a pair of melons under your shirt."

The girl behind the counter raises her both brows when a laugh bursts through my lips. I quickly pack everything up and swipe my card through the machine.

Stupid Tex with his stupid funny jokes.

I mumble some almost-profanities while I walk to my car, trying to stuff my wallet in my purse while searching for the key.

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