Chapter forty-two

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

With my knees under my butt, I sit on the big play rug that we had put in the middle of the living room. The girls are crawling around me, beaming big baby smiles. It's such a precious sight.

I can hardly believe their first birthday was three weeks ago. We had a blast. Tex proudly carried them around, declaring all their milestones to anyone who wanted to listen ... or not.

I was surprised Maggie decided to come. She's due any day now. Without a doubt, she enjoyed all the belly rubs and the fact that Jonathan and I catered to her every need. If that baby is anything like her, it's going to be a little dictator. Well, after the friend she has been for me, she deserves the grandest parade.

I chuckle and try a funny voice to entertain our kids. Tex is better at it. They stare at him in awe when he animatedly tells silly stories, deepening his voice even more. Every day, our girls show a little more of their personalities. I'm curious to see how they will grow up, but I'm already missing their newborn times. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind leaving the diaper phase behind.

Tiny hands grip the edge of the coffee table. Toni pulls herself up, standing on two feet with a wondrous look on her face. They both have been doing that for a couple of weeks. Somehow, it's different this time. Toni seems very determined. One hand lets go and reaches in the air, one little foot inches forward. Could this be the day?

Oh boy, it is!

I pull Robin against me to watch the show. "Tex! Come here. Toni is about to take her first steps!"

"Fuck, wait for me!"

The clattering sound of pans being roughly shoved across the stove comes from the kitchen. Tex appears only a second later, throwing his 'World's Best Dad' apron in the corner and sliding our way on his knees. Toni takes some wobbly steps in his direction, straight into his open arms.

"Look at those chubby legs go!"

He catches her right before she falls over, picking her up and holding her above his head. Toni giggles and laughs. She has a big, fat crush on Tex. Just like the rest of us.

"That must have been a record. I can already see the Olympic gold on the walls. Maybe we should change her last name to Walker."

"Well, Robin is definitely a Chase. I think she's coming after her sister."

Robin whines a little, looking over to her shrieking sister. I raise my arm so she can hold it for support. After one shaky step, she too lets go and wobbles away.

Tex grabs her right on time and pulls her close as well, grinning like a proud dad. "Another record! I tell you, these two are gonna be in the Guinness Book someday."

I lean back on my hands and tilt my head. "I thought you said they're going to land an Oscar."

He kisses both their heads. "That too. They are great little actresses; pretending to cry just so I pick them up."

That's true. They know what they want, when they want it and they're not afraid to use some manipulation. My eyes are unable to look away from the display of fatherly affection. It melts my heart to watch him interact with those sweet girls. The only thing better is to be part of it.

I put on a sad pout. "Now I'm all alone over here."

"Too bad. These are mine. Although ... " He pulls up his nose and lets go of Toni so she can crawl back to me. "You can have that one. She needs a change."

I roll my eyes and take her in my arms. "Aren't you a smelly one. How about a clean diaper and a nap?"

Her little hands reach for my face. "Ma-ma."

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