Chapter thirty-five

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•★ Tex ★•

This car is fucking fantastic. That patriotic side of me, which I didn't even know existed, cried a little when I went with a German one. A Volkswagen Tiguan. Black, of course. Inside and out. The leather seats as well as the rims are onyx-colored. It's manly as fuck, but, more importantly, spacious enough for all the kid stuff.

Why didn't I get myself a car years ago? It's way more convenient; less hassle of carrying a helmet around. Still, I miss the sensation of crashing wind and roaring noise. It doesn't matter. Ellie didn't say it out loud but after the accident, she wasn't comfortable with me riding on two wheels. I get it. Being inside a metal cage is safer. If Ellie got herself a motorcycle, I would be scared shitless all the time. It would be hot, though.

My girl on a bike.

In a bikini.

Or without.

Ah, the upside of my vivid imagination. I scrape my throat and leave the mall's parking lot. Like the considerate husband and soon-to-be father that I am, I told my pregnant wife to stay home and did the groceries myself. She had to finish up some work anyway; her last assignment for a while.

When I pull up into our driveway, my girl is already waiting for me in the door opening. She's wearing these horrible denim dungarees that somehow look gorgeous on her. Maybe it's the glow on her face, her wide smile or simply the big bump that holds my kid.

Our kid.

She sticks the pen she's holding between her fingers in her messy bun and walks up to the car. I quickly get out and meet her halfway, pulling her close for a kiss.

Her soft lips turn into a smile. "Glad you're back."

I kiss her forehead. "Me too."

She gives me a little scratch behind my ear before heading for the trunk. Happy heartbeats. This must be how dogs feel when they get a little affection from their owner. If I had a tail, it would be wagging right now. The twitching of my dick might be the same thing.

She rummages through the bags before putting them on the ground. "Did you get everything on the list?"

"Yep, but I halved your order of Pop-Tarts. That was just outrageous."

"I was kidding with that number." She chuckles afore raising both brows, gesturing at the other stuff I bought. "What's all this?"

I look over her shoulder, pretending I don't already know. "Oh, that. Well, diapers were on sale, so I bought a shitload."

The sigh I was aiming for escapes from her lips. "I seriously suspect that you only bought so many to make that pun."


"Come." I close the trunk and pick up the two grocery bags. "I'll get the rest later."

On the way inside, she purposely pokes me in the waist so I almost lose balance, giggling all the while. Why the hell did I marry this crazy girl?


I fucking love her to death and beyond.

While I stock the fridge, Ellie collects our used plates and starts loading the dishwasher. The mundane routine brings a sense of peace. Never knew I would become a creature of ordinary habit.

Once done with my task, I simply watch her bend over to rearrange some glasses. I'm so in love with that ass. I mean, how could I not? It's shaped like an upside-down heart. Maybe I should help her, but this is nicer.

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