Chapter twenty-eight

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

I can't wait any longer. What is Tex doing? An unjust and unwelcome thought slips into my mind. Is he with another woman? No, of course not. Regardless of what he has done, he will never do it again. I trust him. I really do.

It's strange, though. He doesn't have a lot going on at the moment. He said he was free this afternoon. Normally he answers my texts or calls right away or shortly after. Ever since his indiscretion, he has been especially quick to reply. I check my phone one last time.

Nothing ...

I guess my request to meet me at the hospital was a bit short notice. It wasn't my intention not to ask him to come with me. I honestly thought I had a meeting with the art director of 'L.A. Urban Youth'. I even showed up with my big leather binder. It was awkward, but we all had a good laugh. Even though I've been spared the morning sickness, forgetfulness has been a problem. Last week, I searched for my car for over half an hour only to realize I took the MTA to the mall.

I glance at the digital clock on the side of the building again. If I don't go in now, I'll be late. It's not an important appointment. Just some standard questions, prodding my belly, and measuring my blood pressure. The last ultrasound is still to come. I should make a mental note not to forget.

Maybe it's better to cancel today's appointment. I don't mind paying the no-show fee at all. I already feel incredibly guilty for everything Tex missed out on during the first half of the pregnancy.

I sigh and get through the sliding doors. I'll deal with that when I see him later today and if I can manage, I'll be the one on my knees. With my hand on my belly, I walk through the crowded hall. After Tex' near death experience, I couldn't stand the sight of this hospital but ever since I've been coming here for my appointments, it's not so bad anymore.


I move my head from left to right to locate the familiar voice.

"Ellie!" I look over my shoulder and see Roy running up to me. "The hospital tried to call you, but they couldn't get a hold of you. Neither could I."

"I just checked my phone." I grab the device from my hand bag. "Ah, I accidentally switched it to airplane mode. Did they cancel my appointment?"

That would be convenient.

Completely out of breath, he looks at me as if he's wondering if I have bats in my belfry.

Wait ...

This doesn't make any sense. Why would he be here? How would he know about the appointment? The air suddenly seems thick. "What's going on?"

His eyes shift between my face and belly. The look on his face suggests he's unsure if I can take the news. Isn't a heart supposed to beat? "Please, Roy, tell me what happened. Don't sugarcoat it."

He places his hand on my shoulder. "Tex was involved in an accident. He crashed his bike and—"

"What room?" I'm on the verge of losing it, my whole body tenses up with fear.

The crease in his forehead deepens. "Ellie, listen—"

"What room!" I might be pregnant, but I'm not a babe in the woods. I don't need to be approached like a child.

"Room 204, but—"

I have no time to waste. My husband, the love of my life, is hurt. Wounded. Dying?

Oh God, no ...

The white of the hospital and the bright light that pours through the windows become an ethereal blur. Not in a lovely way. No, it's a horrible sensation. My shoes squeak on the linoleum floor while I run as fast as I can until a voice overrides the sound.

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