Chapter twenty-four

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

I take the stack of photo albums out of the cardboard box. I haven't looked at them yet, but they've been calling at me; whispering promises of heartfelt memories. This day is already a lousy one. I might as well torture myself a bit with pictures of happy us.

I really thought Tex would've called me by now. Not a word from him, though. Signed divorce papers are the only thing that came from his side. Why did he sign them so quickly? I get that the pregnancy was a huge surprise, but he can't possibly still think that the baby isn't his, right? I mean, if he knows me at all he understands that I would never sleep with anyone else. Not while we're still married.

Unlike him.

I take a deep breath to keep my bruised and broken heart from shutting down. Perhaps I should just sign the papers as well. What better day than our three-year anniversary?

The ringing of the doorbell interrupts my tragic train of thought. I guess Maggie was able to swing by after all. I quickly put the albums on the side table and hit the button on the intercom to buzz her in, leaving the door ajar. While she makes her way up, I turn on the kettle to make us some tea. Oh how I miss my precious coffee.

A short moment later, her footsteps carry down the hall. "Maggs, do you want herbal or Earl Grey?"

She enters the kitchen but doesn't answer immediately. "Sorry, I probably should've called first."

His low voice sends an electric chill down my back. I turn eagerly and find Tex awkwardly scratching the back of his head. The vision of him shocks me to the core. He looks almost ghostly. Pale, unshaven and no lively spark in his eyes. Nevertheless, his proximity makes my heart beat in a rhythm that no other could cause.

I don't remember giving him my new address, though. Not that I really care. "So, who spilled the beans on my whereabouts?"

He shrugs once. "I'm afraid Frank took pity on me."

I look away for a moment to keep the butterflies from speaking for me. "What are you doing here?"

Fight for us so I can stop fighting myself.

He sighs. "I only came to give something back to you. I won't bother you for too long."

His defeated appearance is starting to unhinge me. He follows me when I walk past him into the living room without a cup of tea. "What is it that you need to give back?"

He looks at my swollen belly for a moment. "Maybe you should sit down. Being on your feet must be tiring."

My feet do hurt a little. I nod and sit down on the armrest of the couch. He reaches down his backpack and hands me a frame. I already know what it is. The present I hid in the attic. The present I was supposed to give to him on this day, and now he's here, giving it to me.

What is he up to?

"I found it last week, but I wasn't sure what to do with it. I thought you probably don't want me keeping it."

I stare at the picture and bite back the tears. We were so good together. In these moments when we made love, we were one. Before tears escape my eyes, I hand it back to him. "Keep it. It was a gift."

He nods slowly and puts it back in his bag. When our eyes meet, I want, no, need, him to stay a little longer. The feeling is confusing. Like I'm not allowed to feel that way.

"There's something else that I want to discuss." The somber tone of his voice makes me so incredibly sad. Even after his betrayal, it kills me to see him like this.

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