Chapter seventeen

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•★ Tex ★•

I need someone on my side. One of Ellie's best friends to root for me. Since Maggie scares the shit outta me, Jonathan is my victim of choice. He might not be complying, so I have to be on my best behavior. No swearing and no being an asshole. Definitely no jokes about his haircut.

While I park my bike at the shadowy side of the gallery, I hear chatter come from around the corner. The familiar silvery sound of my girl's voice makes me smile. Who's she talking to? It doesn't sound like Jonathan.

When I peek around the brick corner, my heart does that plummety thing that makes it hard to breath. Ellie is talking to some guy. Jesus fuck! He might be better looking than me. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the book cover of one of those cheap, filthy romance novels.

She touches his shoulder, smiling up at him. Does she actually know this man? Where the fuck did she meet him?

Jiminy fucking cricket!

Is she sleeping with him? A rebound? Payback? No, if she wanted to hurt me, she would've found a way to let me know. If she really is seeing him, she's doing it for herself. She's moving on.

I might look like tough shit with my tats and evil glare but when it comes to matters of the heart, I'm a fucking coward. I'd rather keep my distance and pretend I still have a chance than face her and get rejected.

I press my back against the wall. She basically said she's gonna divorce my ass. But what if Stacy was right? Maybe Ellie was only lashing out. Will I make things worse if I go up to her and cause a scene?


Fuck it, though. I'm not gonna stand here and allow some Henry Cavill wannabe to swoop in. She's still my wife whether she likes it or not!

I straighten my shoulders and crack my neck. Not sure why, but it gives me a boost of confidence. Not enough to erase the nerves of getting chewed out, though, so I put on my angry face. That fucker better start running with his dick tucked between his legs.

I turn the corner and groan. She already left. Once again, I let my overbearing mind get in the way. He didn't leave, though. He's still standing in the exact same spot, wearing that obnoxiously well-fitted suit.

What's he doing? I look around his broad shoulders while I walk up to him from behind. Ellie's shrinking figure has me entranced for a moment. Her hips sway while she walks and I grin like an idiot. It quickly fades.

Is that motherfucker checking out her ass?

Not on my fucking watch!

"You better keep your damn eyes to yourself!"

When he turns, I shove him backwards. He looks confused for a moment before straightening his jacket. "I'm not sure what you are referring to."

I clench my fists. "I don't appreciate some sleazy fucker staring at my wife's fine ass."

A smug smile appears. "Wife? Funny, she didn't mention that when she agreed to lunch."

Don't fuck him up.

Don't fuck him up.


I stab my finger against his chest and narrow my eyes. "Listen, buddy, you're not having lunch with her. In fact, if I hear you approached her, I'll rip you a new one in a very inconvenient place."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Don't you have any decency? There's no need to get all ... animalistic. You're behaving like a March hare ready to box some ears." He pats my shoulder in a condescending way and walks past me. "Besides, we already had a date."

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