Chapter thirty-four

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

Tex was elated when he got home. I thought he was excited about signing another contract, but it was quite the opposite. I'm so proud of him. He's really trying to solidify our financial foundations. Starting a new business might be a little risky, but I trust him more than anyone in this world.

The ending of the band made me cry a little. I have so many fond memories of them three. I've been a part of their journey as well. However, I'm also thrilled about Tex' plans for our future. It will be magnificent and I'll be by his side to help him wherever I can.

We went to a Spanish restaurant for a little celebratory dinner. We talked a lot about us; past, future and present. Times that were and times that will. What can I say? Our life will be great!

Tex untangles our limbs and pauses the movie. "Can I get you anything? Tea, ice cream ... or some other kind of dessert?"

"Tea would be great ... for now."

He winks and gets up from the couch. "Camille, right?"

I nod with a cheeky grin. "Thanks, Care Bear."

With a grunt of disgust, he disappears into the kitchen. Who knew Tex would be such a perfect husband? He's been so considerate of all my pregnancy discomforts.

The amused sound of his voice comes all the way from the kitchen. "Any reason your phone is in the fridge?"

That does explain the baby carrots in my purse.

I scrape my throat. "The battery was overheated."

He doesn't believe the white lie. We both know my mind has been a hopeless mess.

"Sure." He places my tea and a can of soda for myself on the table. A sweet smile tips his lips upwards. "Anything else you need?"

I don't want to take advantage of his caring, but this might be the only chance I'll ever get ... "My feet are a little sore. Will you give them a massage?"

"Fuck no!" He sits down on the other end of the couch, face twisted with repulsion. "Feet are nasty."

"Ah, come on—" I lift my bare foot to his chest and stick my bottom lip out. "—just a teeny-tiny rub. I would be so, so grateful."

His eyes wander up my leg for a second, a straight line from my ankle to my inner thigh. "Fine—fuck! You're lucky your toes ain't ugly."

I plop both feet on his lap and lean back with closed eyes. This is going to be so good. He grumbles once and then holds the top of my left foot with both hands, circling his thumbs over the sole.

"Ooh ... that's nice." I accompany my praise with a deep and equally long moan.

He takes my other foot in his hands. "I do like the sound of that."

While his fingers move, I spill some more relaxed moans. My entire body feels like pudding. "Now that I know how good you are at doing this, I'm going to get myself a lifetime subscription."

"Yeah, that can't happen." He flicks his finger across the sole, over and over.

"Stop!" I squirm with laughter and try to pull my foot back. "That tickles!"

He doesn't let go. Instead, he grabs my ankle and brings my calf to his lips, working his way up with kisses. His playful chuckle has faded into husky plea; his eyes bright and intense. "Is this better?"

Electric delight prickles my skin, causing goosebumps all over. Heavy breaths make it hard to answer. "Yes, that feels sooo good."

My back arches when he softly bites my thigh. Wearing a loose, knee-length dress was a splendid idea. "Ready for that rain-check?"

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