Chapter ten

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

With a thick smear of foundation, I try to hide the red skin around my eyes. For Frank and Maggie's sake, I managed to keep a smile on my face. I danced and made silly jokes as if my heart was beating in my chest instead of lying scattered across the ground of the greenhouse.

It was quite obvious that an altercation between me and Tex had taken place, but my friends understood that I wasn't ready to talk about it. Thankfully, the newlyweds retreated to their suite rather early, for obvious reasons, so I felt comfortable heading to my own room and finally dropping the act.

Once in my room, I threw myself on the lonely bed and cried into my pillow. I didn't want anyone to hear me; afraid that my reason for crying would somehow translate through my tears. It wasn't heartbreak or anger that caused me to wail. No, I was shedding tears because Tex didn't come after me. He never returned to the party. Even though I was surrounded by lovely people, I felt so alone.

When I came up to my room, I secretly hoped that he would be there. I wanted him to be there. It wouldn't have mattered because I probably would've yelled at him and kicked him out.

Still, I wanted to see him. I'm not even sure where he is now. I guess he went home after he got what he came for. I should've never texted him back. His presence didn't make things clearer at all. If anything, I'm more confused than I was before.

I roughly pull my tangled tresses in a topknot and button my blouse. What was I thinking? Making lo—sleeping with him after what he has done. I can't even blame him. Kissing him and seductively sliding down my dress left him hardly a choice. Stupid, of course, but I needed to know if I could still turn him on.

Mindlessly, I touch my lips with the tips of my fingers. It was good, though. God, it was good. It always is, even now. Ignoring the shudder that runs down my spine, I step into the hallway. Just when I close the door, two arms circle around my waist, causing me to shriek.


No, these arms are soft and slender.

"Maggie!" I turn around and hug her back. "Why aren't you downstairs attacking the breakfast buffet? I'm sure you two worked up an appetite last night."

As to agree, she wriggles her eyebrows. "I stole some food from the kitchen earlier. I came to say goodbye. Frank and I decided to skip the boring breakfast pleasantries and sneak out."

Staying at their apartment while they're doing a road trip across the country may not be the best idea. The loneliness might make me do something dumb. Like going back to my actual house and forgiving Tex. I almost did that last night when I left the greenhouse and heard him cry. It took me everything to not run back and hold him to make him feel better, but that just made me angry again.

"Ellie? Are you all right?"

Didn't I say something in return?

The worried look on her face tells me I was lost in thought. "I'll be fine." I force the corners of my mouth up. "Now, go have fun with your husband on route 66 and don't dare to call before you reach Chicago."

She gives my upper arms a firm squeeze. "If you need a long-distance shoulder to cry on, you can always call me. You know that, right?"

That's sweet, but I'm not going to disturb their honeymoon. Before I can reassure her again that I will be fine, Frank's voice booms from around the corner. "Where's my wife? There's an empty seat in the Mustang that is begging for a fine ass!"

Her eyes grow wide with excitement. "Tell him I went left." After giving me a quick peck on the cheek, she hurries down the carpeted hall.

"Ellie!" Frank runs past me and then turns around, still walking backwards. "Where did she go?"

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