Final Author's Note 💔😭

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To my readers, I want to thank you from the bottom of my devilish heart for taking the time to read about Ellie's and Tex' journey. ⭐️

You are all beautiful people! 😍

It saddens me that the series has ended but I'm proud as well. I never thought I could actually write a book. Let alone four. It has been an interesting process, which leads me to the following.

Some of you may have read the old version as well as the new version. I hope you appreciated the edits and felt the improvements made the story more cohesive. As always, feedback (good and bad) is welcome. 

So, is this truly the last we'll hear of Ellie and Tex? Who knows. Kids grow up and might get into a little trouble themselves. Could be a fun story. 😉

For now though—my dear friends—I say thank you and wish you the best! Don't worry, I'll be around ... reading all your fantastic stories! Feel free to keep in touch! I'm grateful for all the wonderful people I met here. 🥰

That's all folks! ♥️

X Dionne

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