Chapter fourteen

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

Very pleased, I leave the event room. One of my pictures just got auctioned for a charity organization. I was nervous if there would be any interest but the biddings went crazy. I must say, when the hammer closed the deal at a staggering amount of money, I felt very flattered.

It's a good cause too. The Lucky Stars foundation helps struggling artists to find their way in the city by offering free advice, setting up meetings with potential employers, and providing low-cost classes and instrument repairs.

My kitten heels click-clack on the white marble flooring as I head for the exit. Even though I feel pretty good about my contribution, I really need to get out of here. The auction was held in the same great hall where the award show was held a few years ago. The memories of that beautiful evening have been swarming my head from the moment I arrived.

Are time machines already invented?

I'm glad Tex didn't show up. Being here with him would definitely make me a little nutty. I've been way too emotional these last few days. Sure, it only makes sense considering the ending of my marriage, but, yesterday, I ugly-cried for over an hour because I spilled coffee on my favorite blouse. It was weird and Tex' fault. He messed me up so badly, I can't think straight anymore. Fortunately there was a big pint of Häagen-Dazs in the freezer. I emphasize on the word was.

Memories of love made urgently badger me from every corner of my mind. He wasn't wrong. He gave me a night I can't forget. It was as passionate as our wedding night with the exception of vows made. We only spoke with our bodies, preventing our mouths from spilling words we couldn't take back. I fell asleep in his arms, but when I woke at the crack of dawn, he was gone. Maybe he was afraid that I would confirm our end if he had stayed. Is it really over? I said so, but I can't possibly have meant it.

Did I?

Lost in thought, I turn the corner and then freeze immediately. Tex is standing halfway down the corridor, his back facing me.

Think fast ... I could go back the way I came and find another exit. Surely I could sneak out via the employers entrance. Maybe I should hide in one of the rooms and—

The freezing of my feet reaches my heart when a pretty blond walks up to him. The hotel uniform she's wearing looks like something out of a dirty French movie.

Another blond?


Well, fudge him! I won't cower down. I'll just walk past him with my head held high and ignore the fact that he's wearing snug jeans and a fitted button-up. When I'm close enough to overhear their conversation, a different flare of anger takes hold of me.

"You're that guy from that band aren't you? You know, that cheating asshole."

Tex' shoulders stiffen. "Why don't you mind your own damn business?"

The blond crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "You're such a scumbag. After I saw that video of your marriage proposal, I thought there was hope for men, but you're a lying dog like the rest of them. I really hope she kicks you to the curb."

He sighs and hangs his head. "She already did—"

"Talk to my husband like that again and I'll poke you in the eyes." I intertwine my fingers with Tex' and stare the girl down.

She gives me the are-you-for-real look. "I was only sticking up for you. I know what it's like. I've been betrayed more than once."

Tex tightens his grip around my hand. I know he's looking at me with big, sad eyes and I can't deal with that now.

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