Chapter twenty-two

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*♡ Ellie ♡*

"Please, lie down and lift your shirt."

The ultrasound technician gestures at the bedlike examination chair. I make myself somewhat comfortable on the hard leather and show her my belly. The bump is not big yet, but unmistakably there.

"Oh!" I suck in a breath when she smears the gel on my skin. "That's cold."

"Really?" She raises her judgy brow as if I'm lying. "I'm quite positive that I warmed the gel beforehand."

Strange reaction ...

If I have to make a guess, I'd say she's in her late forties. Maybe she lost her patience with newbie moms like me or, perhaps, she's just tired. The waiting room was packed.

I dismiss her snarky attitude and beam a smile. "It's okay. I'm eager to get started."

"All right then, let's have a look at your baby."

Gray blobby images appear on the monitor. She nods her head, satisfied with what she's seeing, but I'm not sure what I'm looking at.

I tilt my face a bit. "Was that the baby's head?"

"Yes, it was." She tries to find the image again, moving the wand over my bump. "The little one isn't ideally positioned, but I got a very clear view."

"Are you sure? It looked blurry to me."

She keeps her focus on the monitor while she speaks. "It may seem that way to the untrained eye, but I've done this for many years. I know exactly how to interpret these images."

I get the feeling she thinks I'm asking stupid questions. Am I? I mean, I trust her assessment—she looks like an old hand in the business—but I obviously don't know anything about any of this. This is all new to me. I've never even experienced someone else's pregnancy. Maybe a different view will make more sense to me. "Are we doing a 3-D ultrasound next?"

She gives me a pitiful smile. "I'm very sorry, but the machine isn't working properly. 2-D is all I can do today."

"Is that bad? Did you get a chance to tick all the health-check boxes?"

Slight annoyance shows on her face and seeps through her voice. "Don't worry. I checked for birth defects and other abnormalities. The placenta is in great condition as is your cervix, and the fetus' growth is right on schedule. Being a first time mom can be scary, but you have nothing to fret about."

I let out the breath I was holding in. "Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better."

Her eyes light up and her cheeks split with a warm smile. "Now, do you want to know the gender?"


"No, my hus—the father should be present when that information is revealed."

"Oh, he couldn't make it today?"

Never asked.

My eyes dart away so she can't see the shame and pain in them. "He was ... unavailable."

"Well, I'll write it down on a card so you two can decide whether to keep it a surprise or not."

I take the folded piece of paper and quickly stick it in my wallet before I cave and sneak a peek. "Shall I make an appointment for the next ultrasound?"

"That's not necessary. Your baby is completely healthy. Your regular check-ups with your physician will be enough. You should try to relax and enjoy the last stage."

After having my belly wiped clean and a bunch of sonograms stuffed in my hand, I leave the room. My eighteen-week ultrasound was a bit of a bummer. Sure, the confirmation that the baby is healthy took some worry away, but guilt clouded the entire experience.

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