2 | The Trauma

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You might expected this but I'm still going to put the warning.

⚠️ warning : panic attack and mention of death ⚠️


To your dismay, the time is finally come.

The sun already set and Connie is dressing up in a nice dress and coat.

"Do you think they will like me?" she asked another kids.

You knocked the door and enter with a maroon tie. "You forgot your tie, Connie."

You bent down to put her tie on. She looks so beautiful with the smile in her face like a little angel. You immediately remember two months ago when you and the rest of your siblings sent Hao out, he had the similar expression like Connie's.

"No one at their right state of mind can't like you when you're this lovely Connie. Promise me you will write a letter, ok?"

Connie nod enthusiastically. "I'll write everyday!"

"Let's go," Emma grab her right hand while you hold the left.

All the children are gathering in front of the main door, facing momma and Connie who's holding Little Bunny.

"I'm slow and not as smart as the others but I'll try my best. I want to grow up to be like momma and then I would never abandon any children. I have Little Bunny with me so it's fine."

Her smiley face suddenly turned out sullen. She grab Little Bunny tighter and her tears fall.

"I don't want to leave everyone. I want to stay here!"

You fight the urge to cry, the more children who cry, the harder it's for Connie to leave lightheartedly.

"Connie," you stopped Momma and Connie from leaving the door.

"This is a little reminder of the house. No matter how far you are, we will always be with you," you said your final farewell.

She embraces it carefully and nod with teary eyes. With that, Connie is officially departed from the house.

You are now preparing the bed for sleep with Emma on the second floor. The house has been in silence for a while. You all need to adapt to Connie's absent from now on. There wouldn't be her wide smile holding Little Bunny in her arms when you wake up anymore.

"Connie is with her foster parents now, isn't she?" said Emma.

"Yes. I wonder what kind of person are they. I hope they will take a good care of her."

"Me too."

Emma has an odd expression and you noticed, "What's wrong Emma?"

"I'm just thinking. Is it possible to request so that we got adopted in the same family?"


"We are going to turn twelve next year and no one ever get adopted beyond that age. I like staying in the house with Momma and everyone else, but if I got adopted at the end, I want to be with you! I can't imagine got separated from you."

"No one ever got adopted together..."

"I know right! I must ask Momma tomorrow!"

"But Emma, why is it me? Not that I don't want be with you too, but there are Ray, Norman, Gilda, and anyone."

Emma starts counting with her finger, "Because you are kind, warmhearted, and always taking a good care of me, you are often like Momma but most of the time you are like an older sister to me."

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