44 | The Measures

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Isabella turns to the little girl. A her frowns is unusually deep today along with her unbalanced steps as she looks to the shining object on her chest.

Isabella chuckled. "What's wrong Y/N? Aren't you going to play with the others?"

"I was, but this necklace is so distracting I can't run properly. Why is this thing so heavy, Momma?" asked you with your still high-pitched voice.

You were playing tag with the other children again today as usual but the feeling of something, especially something quite heavy around your neck is still aloof to you. It's like something is dragging you down to bump your face against the ground.

Either way, you also can't not wear it because Momma has strictly asked you to keep it safe with you everywhere you go.

Isabella bents down to your level and lifts the necklace's pendant—the locket to measure the weight. Her worry is gone when she is sure the weight isn't too much a burden for a child as young as you.

"It's not something too much, Y/N. I'm sure you're only not accustomed to its yet. Besides, it's not a regular pendant, it's a locket. You can store something inside."

"Inside a thing this small?" You shows the little gap between your thumb and point finger.

Isabella nods. "Yes, it's made to keep anything small, anything important you have to carry anywhere."

"Is something inside? That's why you tell me to wear it anywhere?"

There's a bewilderment on Isabella's face for a split second, so quick and your young undoubtful mind can't catch it up.

She said, "Yes. Something very important for you."

Your eyes grows larger just like your peaking interest for the new unfamiliar but cool accessories Isabella gives not to anyone but you. So you asked her, "What's inside, Momma?"

"What's inside, hm ... let's see."

Isabella lightly pinches the tip of your nose, it felt tickles and you laugh a little.

"It's a reminder, so my little princess can remember her mother," answered Isabella.

"A reminder of you? How cool!!!"

Even if it's not fair and you probably won't have the heart to show it off to the other children except if they asked for it, you feel proud that you can wear something so important from Isabella.

You then take the locket in your hand, seeing the top, the bottom, and pretty much every sides you can fathom. Seeing there's no opening or handle, you asked, "Thank you Momma! But, how can I open it? You said we can store something inside, how can I see it?"

"There's a key for it."

"And where's it?"

"Nuh-uh. I'll give it when you are older, it's your up comings birthday gift."

You remember how you groaned and whined so much for the rest of your birthday to Isabella, hoping that she will give the key in an instant because you can't wait that long. However, Isabella was still persistent with her words and she always direct the topic into something else whenever you brought it up.

You eventually gave up and were forced to wait for the up comings birthdays patiently. Even when you were turned 12, the oldest a child in the house were, Isabella never gives you the key to the locket. You're pretty much ignorant about it later on, already satisfied with how neatly pretty the locket is.

The last word Isabella ever talked about the locket is only, "Just because I don't give the key, don't ever think to intentionally break the locket, okay?"

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