48 | The Assignment

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You never like it when Emma is silent.

Everyone agree Emma is a literal ball of energy. Her radiant smile is beating the sunlight, her laugh is so infectious that the second you realize it you will also be grinning like a madman. The only moment she will be quiet is when she sleep or when she has fallen sick. Which is a very rare sight considering how fit the girl is.

Then last, when she back from the gate that night.

However, now she has been silent for the first time in years. Her body is staying still, completely frozen in a large crystal rock, and her lids shut down peacefully.

The second you saw her, you become hysteric. "EMMA!"

"A test?"

Your legs run to her before you can think of anything, not noticing how the lovely tea set are now disappearing as if it was never been there. You stopped right in front of her cage, punching once and twice to see how sturdy the material is. It was harder than rock.

"Yes, if you can pass it I'll grant your wish and I'll take no reward."

"And if I failed?"

There is no mistaken the thing has no air lubes or any kind of ventilation. Despite Emma still has the color of her face and looks more like sleeping, you turn your head to the demon.

You asked, "What did you do to her? Heavens, how can Emma breathe in there?!"

Despite your screams, [] calmly answered. "It was the consequence of her failure. But don't worry child, trapped she has become but alive she is."

The fact that she is still alive release a lot tension from your shoulder. Your clenched fist over the crystal are opened and you fall to your knees when the tension also left your muscles on your legs.

Apparently, because of Emma's strong devotion for her family, the demon god was intrigued of how deep her connection is. Coincidentally, there was a wreck in The Capital and Emma's family were also taking part in it.

So the thing he wanted to see is, how far Emma's determination for her family can be.

It was entertaining for him, seeing Emma's expression fell over the on going genocide in The Capital through his pensive. It was fun to see how she broke down, her mind went astray and then destroyed the peace of the realm that she had built so hard by herself. The sky went from dawn to dusk real quick, a few memory of a certain white haired man were flashing. The memories were supposed to be warmth, something Emma cherished close to her heart but it was tinted black at the end.

Then the crystal enveloped her, trapping all the souls who have lost their reasoning in this realm.

"If only she was a little fast, she may found the escape route," said [].

You gulped, averting your gaze back to Emma. You see it now, the traces of tears near her eyes also have been crystalized. Not only that, her overall peaceful sight now feels a lot hurtful. How her brows slightly frowned, her mouth sealed thin, and her hands are clasped over her heart.

If only you didn't fall for Norman's scheme, if only you able to stopped his plan.

You've done things wrong, but now it's time you make it right.

You gather the power and stand straight on your feet facing him. "There's an escape route, right? How can I make my family safe? I'll ... I'll pay the reward."

[] fly closer to your place, looked interested at your statement. "How daring your will, child. You know what happen to your friend and still try to do what she has failed?"

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