26 | The Surprise

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⚠️ warning: sexual theme⚠️


I don't really sure actually, please comment me if anything is too awkward or this theme is too out of the place.


Nothing feels like home.

Even when your home is located far under the ground and never got any fresh air or sun or such.

It is still your second home.

There are no office tasks here, no piling papers on your desk, no need to apply the spice which smell is so strong it could literally chocked someone to their death, no suffocating mask, there's no demon. There are only cheery children here.

Oh, did you mention how sweet it is when you see every single one of them waiting for your arrival beyond the main gate? Because it's the first sweet thing you can feel after a year in disguise at the palace. Especially because they are greeting you with signs and singing "Welcome home!"

All of them are cramping around the gate and you easily spot your team who are standing on the front line. It's obvious that the number of the children has increased appreciably since last year. There are many new faces standing between the crowd, looking curiously upon someone they have never seen before, your team surely have worked hard too while you are away.

Including him.

The dark circle under his eyes are more visible, screaming his lack of sleep because of the works—to no one's surprise. He still wears his typical sky blue shirt under a white vest and a white trousers. His white hair has grown longer and neatly brushed. Unfair as it always has been, he is also getting taller than he already was.

When you are standing in front of them, you drop your belongings and spread your hand high in the air when Zazie is pulling you into a crushing hug. You laugh in surprise and when you land on your feet again, you screamed, "I am home!"

That startles Isla for a second who is sitting on your right shoulder. The owl jumped at its owner unusual behavior before it choose to sit again on it previous spot while sending a little wary glance over you. Your smile is the widest for years it hurts.

Norman being the one to approach you first and give a little pat on your head.

"Welcome home, Y/N." He speaks softly and can be heard only by you, there's this familiar calm in his words and who knows you would like to be greeted with childish greeting like a little pat on the head?

It's part of the home yearn for, you guess.


The shelter is just like how Norman wrote in his letters. The empty houses are mostly filled now, there's children laughter in everywhere you go during day time, some children who were there first now can cook and help with the errands. They've been doing great through out the year.

The most important news is the poison. Your team successfully transformed it into a gas form and stored those on a spare warehouse outside the residence. They are all amazing, as you expected and they never change even a bit compared to when you last saw them. The mega plan will be executed in near time, like really-truly soon, you can predict it. Almost everything is done and what's on waiting list is only the reply letter from Alvie. It will come in about one month at the latest.

This has kept you wondering since you were still in your brick room on the palace, isn't it the time for you to meet your families? More than three years has passed and the great of your longing is interminable anymore. You feel like you will explode if Norman doesn't bring about this at the end of the week.

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