20 | The After Effect

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You arrive at the shelter after one week, in total. It's longer than you predicted because not only you are walking in a large group but as you was going, you also gave an extra care for children who are in difficulties to stand on their own—literally and imprecisely. You also have to learn the way to survive, to gather food and water and to protect your group. Fortunately, guarding is in fact easier than you thought thanks to your reliable new comrades.

Another thing you learnt is the realm of outside world. The world is not like how it was described in the books you used to read. The trees are different, the animals are odd, and the landscapes are confusing sometimes. The difference makes you realize how contrast the human world and demon world are. You wondered, what is the human world would look like? Would you like it better than here? Of course you exclude the point where the demons are ruling at this side.

You've passed layers of doors and tunnel to the entrance and finally you're reaching the entrance of the shelter. The majestic semi-metal door doesn't seem to has a door knob or any way to open it at a first glance. But it doesn't take even two minutes for Norman to find that there's a small keyhole and the key is the pen from Smee.

You glad Smee gave his to Norman because even if you has the insides of the pen, without its case then it can't be used to open the door.

"Wuah ... " Everyone is amazed. The shelter is not a small place for supplies or a fortress. It's like a real underground village.

There are houses, bunch of them. A fountain, plaza, field, and lights spreading here and there so there's no darkness left. The atmosphere is so warm and welcoming, it reminds you of home.

This is the real home the children deserve.

"The roof ... are colorful ... " You heard Hayato mumbles beside you. The houses' colorful roof are reflected in his sparkling eyes.

It's pretty.

You all are entering the place. You and your comrades do a quick investigation first whether any dangerous, suspicious, or any strange spot they should be careful of. You also find what looks like a navigation tower and power supply room. A further inspection is needed but right now your focuses are to give each of the children a room to rest.

You send the last group of your share to their shared bed room and help them to sleep. As you close the door and sigh out your stress, the burden in your shoulders are lifted for a little and everything suddenly becoming calm. So calm that you can't think of anything or feel anything.

Norman comes out from the room in front of you, just finished with his last share too.

"Y/N, are you done?" he asked you.

You nod. "Yes."

"Great. I was thinking, do you want to explore the outer side? We didn't touch it yet before, there seems to be a lot other than houses in there."

Norman's offering is interesting and you also think that you have to finish the investigation as soon as possible. But then, the exhaustion and soreness on your muscles are taking a toll on you. Rest, you feel the heavy urge to rest and fall into a deep slumber where all your senses are unconscious.

"I think I'm going to sleep now. I am really tired," you answered.

Even if you reject his offer, Norman doesn't disappointed. He smiles in understanding as always and walks you to your bedroom which is in the same floor as him.

"The walk was exhausting, I hope you will rest well. Good night."

"Thank you. You should rest too, good night." You return his goodbye and close the door before you.

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