27 | The Nostalgia

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Emma hasn't felt this relieved for years. The hardship has been always following her and her family to survive since their escape. It was a luck she met Mujika and Sonju, it was a coincidence that she got snatched from Yuugo and Ray to meet a lot new friends and escaped from Goldy Pond and she always grateful for those series of meaningful events to happen in her life. The hardship comes once again when they were in despair after they lost some important persons from their now larger family. Especially Yuugo and Lucas, the only two adults aside Isabella who were theere to teach and lead them about surviving.

When it can be calles a luck for Emma's side, it was more of Jin's and Hayato luck to have Emma and her family near the place where they got attacked. They jumped right in time to save both children from one huge wild demon. Who knows they are actually has a connection to William Minerva and offer them a secured place, a large and literal whole village for a shelter like this inside a tree? The children here are also having carefree smile every no matter where she laid her eyes on. Never did Emma think there could be a suitable place to be called "Paradise" inside this world for the cattle children. That's a William Minerva for everyone.

"I'll be back soon!" Emma waves her hand before goes with Hayato and Zazie to meet the boss of this shelter.

She finally finds him, their savior. As she remembers when she shared her goal with both Yuugo and Lucas, her heart aches whenever she thinks of their fond memories together. Thanks to them, not only her but everyone could have three years of happiness.

We made it Yuugo, Lucas, everyone... We found William Minerva.

Hayato stops on a double door with a beautiful carving of three stars and knocks it twice. He said, "Boss, she is here."

There's a faint respond from inside, a soft yet low voice that she can't hear clearly yet. "Come in."

Hayato grips the handle and turns it.

This is it. Emma try to hide her nervousness and clenches her teeth, preparing to voice out the gratitude that swells in her mind.

However, when Hayato fully opens the door and she catches the sight of two person inside the room, her breath hitched. She has lost everything that she taught the previous second as her eyes turns blank at the face of those two persons.

The boy inside said, "Thanks Hayato. You may leave now."

Hayato bows slightly and replied, "Yes Sir!"

The door behind her is closed and the sound is echoed in her ears for seconds.

The person in front her are familiar. Too familiar that she recognizes them right away even though their features are older now. She knows them, she remembers their faces and voices as clear as it was yesterday she met them.

The boy is wearing a shirt underneath a simple vest and his bangs is only slightly longer below his eyebrows. On the other hand, the other person—the girl's (H/C) hair is gracefully frame her face and now longer than what it used to be.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it?" asked the boy.

Emma can feel her heart is thumbing hard against her chest every second. At this moment, she re-think of the role her or everyone else's luck is actually playing a part to make this opportunity comes true or not. Because she suddenly finds a different string that connects them, as if it was by fate.

Luck? Fate? She wasn't really sure because her mind is rotating into a single question.


She doesn't know her eyes are teary and a stream is down her cheek when she called those two persons.

"Norman? Y/N?"

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