46 | The Farewell

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A short rewind ... because I've been absent for more than a month :"D


With a cold conflict between Ray, Emma, and you against Norman, you don't expect he would go into such great length to pour a sleeping drug to your drink. Thus you fell unconscious for about a day.

In the mean time, Ray and Emma had gone to The Seven Walls to make a new promise but didn't get the result everyone wanted and more, Ray is the only person who came back from there. While Emma's whereabout has been unknown, Norman faced a great danger when his team attacked The Queen's palace.

You, who have recently woken up, lead the remaining children to escape and plan to explode the shelter because the soldier from palace and Ratri's army have arrived to capture all of you. The plan has been executed well until halfway when Ratri's army are coming on at the end of the escape tunnel. The children stuck and frightened, only Sonya's squad know about this.

On the other hand, your squad consisted of you, Ray and Violet are still in the dark and in a mission to activate the explosion.


"The door is crowded."

"Many are coming from the left too."

You sighed. "Looks like there's no way we can slip in between."

After endlessly running from the hectic village, you've come to your next position in which the remote is located in one of lining warehouses at the outskirt. However, when you came the place has been crowded by demons everywhere.

The more time waiting in hiding means the more demon lurking into the shelter and the smaller chance you will be able to successfully execute the plan. What's worse is that you also can't contact either Sonya or Oliver.  Something or someone has broken then signal and now the device is completely useless.

"Hey, I see something coming from another direction," said Violet who is currently holding the thermal telescope.

"A demon approaching?" asked you.

The girl shakes her head. "Their size are smaller, probably humans. See it for yourself."

You receive the telescope Violet gave and place it in front of your eyes. She is right, those new objects are stopping midway behind some stone between the demons. There are three of them and no matter how you think about it, you won't go anywhere near their position if you were them because how many demons with torches are in that area.

But, your eyes are grown wider when you realize their features are similar to some people you know, especially because one of them is considerably a lot shorter than the other two.

"Ray, tell me I'm wrong but is one of them is Alicia?"

You let Ray, who is on your other side, to take over the telescope. His affirmation doesn't even take more than two second. "It's her. No one of the children are as tall as her except for Chris."

"And there's no way Chris will walk leisurely in the current state."

Ray grits his teeth. "What are those guys doing there, moreover in that place."

"Looks like they can't move any inch more. Should we pick them up?"

"Of course we should," answered you to Violet without thinking twice.

You already anxious from the lost contact with others and when you spot Alicia at a surprising place, you already have a bad feeling that something doesn't sit right with the plan. Meeting them, or picking those guys who stuck in hiding is quite a tough job but all of you are able to run away to a far safer place at the end. All cost you a sword from a pair, and several bullets from both Ray's and Violet's gun.

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