16 | The Celebration

783 49 49

15 January 2046

Your muscles are sore.

Two days ago you got your first injection, handled by Smee himself. That was your first encounter with him after the explosion as Sir Antony, not Smee.

He assured you that the drug is only to enhance your muscles strength. The effect is not as deadly as other experiments since the drug is highly tested and developed.

However, the injections leave a sore feeling sore for two days for your muscles. It's hurt to move your body and you still has to attend your tests and lessons as scheduled. You're extremely beaten up during your martial class.

Derek's remarks were the worst this afterrnoon.

You make a little move to make sure your body is not cramped in the test chair while you're waiting for the researchers' evaluation.

"Um... Y/N, are you not feeling well? Or you have something bothering your mind?" a voice comes from the speaker.

You frankly replied, "My muscles are sore but other than that I felt like usual."

"I see. Your results are not as well as usual. If there's anything you're concerned, please consult it with your doctor."

His statement stopped your movement and left you stunned. You can't think of anything for a while.

But I poured my best today?


Today is Ray's birthday and fortunately it's Saturday. You've planned to celebrate it with Norman in your 3 minutes talk later but eventually your mind and body are giving up for today.

They pain is becoming unbearable and you got a high fever after dinner. That leaves you have no choice but to laid back below the blanket. The room feels hot at the time and you can't think about anything except worry about your family, in hours later they will carry on the plan. Ray supposed to read your message now and teamed up with Emma.

Your pants are as heated as your temperature but you keep singing the lullaby.

"I will think of our song ... when the nights are too long ..." your voice are hoarse and the notes are messy.

"I'll think of you for that's where I belong."

You are hoping for the best, for their success.

And for Emma to stop Ray in time.

"Love, can we meet again in the bluest of sky?"

Then at the end of your and their struggling, you hope you can reunite with them soon.

You don't sing the last line of the song. You made it when you already hopeless and sure you're going to leave them. Now that you find a new hope, you will never let it go.

You definitely will meet them again outside from your dream.

"Happy birthday Ray..." you whispered.


On the other room, Norman has been waiting three minutes for you but you never showed up.

Something must benhappened. You never miss a meet up before and contented to not miss any chance you two have. Especially because now is Ray's birthday.

Looks like he would celebrate it alone. Norman smiled and congratulated, "Happy birthday Ray."

When he was about to out of the bathroom, his heart suddenly beat erratically and his breath are shallow. Things are blurry for a moment then Norman fell into his knees and hands.

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